Degree Name | Group/Major Subject | Board/Institute | Country | Passing Year |
Ph.D. | Education | Monash University | Australia | 2015 |
Masters | Education | Flinders University | Australia | 2005 |
Masters | Education | IER, University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 1998 |
Bachelor | Education (Hons.) | IER, University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 1997 |
Title | Organization | Location | From Date | To Date | |
No experience is found |
Subject | Description | Research Interest (Goal, Target Indicator) |
Impact of Gender and Inclusive Pedagogies on Student Participation and Learning Achievement at Secondary School during the Pandemic and Beyond | Ensuring equity in school participation and learning achievement from the perspectives of gender, inclusion, and other forms of diversity is a global challenge. Worldwide inequality in educational settings causes students’ poor participation and academic achievement at the secondary level. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic further limited students’ participation in the classroom and restricted the learning of students irrespective of gender and other backgrounds. In recent years, experimentation, and implementation of various inclusive pedagogies have been researched across the world. Borrowing concepts of inclusive pedagogy from different nations has also been widely practiced. However, missing the contextual aspects in the borrowed pedagogy has highly been criticised throughout a body of research. Hence, consideration of country-specific dynamics has been critical. Considering the contexts, this project aimed to ensure students’ equal participation and learning achievement through a co-designed and evidence-based Gender and Inclusive Pedagogical (GIP) approaches as an intervention for teachers’ professional development in 70 secondary schools of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.
While designing the project, it was observed that all five participating countries were going through the curricular transformation where experiential learning pedagogy, cooperative learning strategies, formative assessment process and flexible learning environments were some key ideas that were part of the transformative ideas. The research team found that the current transformative ideas in participating countries promote gender-inclusive pedagogies as an embedded principle. Therefore, the project planned to go one step further to this transformation by introducing thematic-interdisciplinary experiential learning pedagogical approaches so that the research can recommend the future directions for the transformation journey. The research indicated that after receiving orientation, teachers successfully could design interesting and context-oriented, thematic and interdisciplinary experiential learning pedagogies in several subject clusters and could implement those in schools.
The experimental-model study conducted the baseline, endline, pre-post design research interventions that indicated teachers have significant change in their attitudes, efficacy, and classroom practices for promoting gender inclusive learning environment in all five participating countries. Along with that, significant improvement was found in students’ participation and achievements in school and classroom activities. More specifically, girl participation has significantly been increased due to the interventions provided in the experimental schools.
The evidence of this study had enough merit to scale-up the GIP Approach as an effective teachers’ professional development package for the mainstream initiatives of the governments of each country contexts. Therefore, the idea of scaling up and development of a teacher professional development advocacy framework required further effort, time, and resources in coming months. Considering the similarity of the background contextual variables, the extension proposal considered in three countries that include Bhutan, Timor-Leste and led by Bangladesh. The costed extension plan was accepted by the funding agency for implementing it in the year 2024. In the extension, similar strategies of gender equality, equity, and inclusion (GEI) will be applied.
The project extension adheres gender-transformation approach that ensures equality among male, female, and other gender from the perspective of identity, access to resource, equal participation, decision-making, respect, socio-economic status and participation in productive roles. The extension of the project specifically aims to explore the opportunities of embedding the GIP package content in the existing teacher education curriculums of selected partner countries; scale up of the GIP package based on the evidences generated by the project through mainstream teacher education initiatives in selected participatory countries; measure the changes among teacher educators as a result of orientation on GIP package for developing the teacher-education advocacy framework and develop an advocacy framework for national and regional gender inclusive teacher education.
Following a mixed-method design the extended project would apply document reviews, consultations and workshops for scaling up, pre-post design Master trainer development package intervention and development of a teacher professional development advocacy framework. The proposed extension of the current project has been designed aiming to embed its value to the policy level and secondary education system of the lead and partner countries. During the extension period, the project has tremendous scope for convincing the concerned policy and decision-makers of the MoE and relevant stakeholders about the significance of embedding the practice of GIP in secondary education system. This will support to knowledge mobilization at the higher official level of the Government as well as create an opportunity for the practice of the GIP across the participating countries. |
Level of Study | Title | Supervisor | Co-Supervisor(s) | Name of Student(s) | Area of Research | Current Completion |
M.Phil | Exploring primary level English medium school teachers’ attitude toward inclusive education in Bangladesh | Professor Dr. M. Tariq Ahsan | Tasnim Islam (Registration No: 51531 | Equity and Inclusion in Teacher Education |
2020 | |
Masters | Exploring the status of peer acceptance towards children with hearing impairment in the government primary schools of Dhaka city. | Professor Dr. M. Tariq Ahsan | Sirazum Masuda (Roll: 014-587) | Equity and Inclusion |
2014 | |
Masters | Four-year BEd. (Hons) students’ attitudes towards inclusive education in Bangladesh | Professor Dr. M. Tariq Ahsan | Syeda Sanjia Tahsein (Roll: 014-584) | Equity and Inclusion |
2014 |
Subject | Project Name | Source of Fund | From Date | To Date | Collaboration |
No project/research work is found |
SL | Invited Talk |
1 | |
2 | The School of Education, Trinity College Dublin of the University of Dublin, Ireland has interviewed Professor Dr. M. Tariq Ahsan along with other global inclusion experts that is available on the website of the university with his short bio!! |
SL | Collaboration & Membership Name | Type | Membership Year | Expire Year |
No Collaboration & Membership is found |
No publication is found. |
Award Type | Title | Year | Country | Description |
International | Jiddu Krishnamurti Award | 2018 | India | |
International | Venus International Research Awards-VIRA | 2017 | India | |
International | Australian Alumni Excellence Awards 2014 | 2014 | Australia | |
International | Australian Leadership Awards-ALA | 2008 | Australia | |
International | Australian Development Scholarship | 2004 | Australia |