Research & Publication (Department of Japanese Studies)
Book (67)
1 Alam, Md Jahangir Bangladesh-Japan Diplomatic Relations (1972-2022): A New Paradigm of Strategic Partnership. Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2022 .
2 Dilruba Sharmin Japanese Architecture: paleolithic era to modern age. Dhaka: Novel Publishing House, 2021 .
3 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman ভূমি আইন পর্যালোচনার ভূমিকা, গবেষণা পদ্ধতি ও সুপারিশমালা (Background and Methodology, Key Learning at a Glance).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
4 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman পরিত্যাক্ত সম্পত্তি, অধিগ্রহণ ও হুকুমদখল সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী (Abandon Property, Acquisition & Requisition Related Laws: Proposed Laws and Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
5 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman ভূমি ব্যবস্থাপনা প্রশাসন সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী (Administration of Land Management Related Laws: Proposed Laws and Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
6 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman কৃষি ও অকৃষি খাস জমি ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বন্দোবস্ত সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী (Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Khas Land Related Laws: Proposed Laws and Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
7 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman বালুমহাল, চরের জমি, চিংড়িমহাল, পাথরমহাল, চা বাগানের ভূমি সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী (Balumohal, Char Land, Chingrimohal, Pathormohal, Tea Land Related Laws, Act and Rules: Proposed Laws and Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
8 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman জলমহাল সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী (Jalmohal Related Laws: Proposed Laws and Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
9 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman দেবোত্তর সম্পত্তি ও ওয়াক্ফ সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী (Debottor Property and Waqf Related Laws: Proposed Laws and Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
10 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman আদিবাসীদের ভূমি সম্পর্কিত আইন (বন আইনসহ): প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী-১ (Indigenous People’s Land Rights (including Forest) 1st Part: Proposed Laws and Amendments-1).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
11 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman আদিবাসীদের ভূমি সম্পর্কিত আইন (বন আইনসহ): প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী-২ (Indigenous People’s Land Rights (including Forest) 2nd Part: Proposed Laws and Amendments-2).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
12 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman ভূমি সংস্কার, ভূমি রেজিস্ট্রেশন, ভূমি ব্যবহার সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী (Land Reforms, Land Registration, Land Use Related Laws: Proposed Laws and Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
13 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman ভূমি জরিপ সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী (Land Record & Survey Act: Proposed Acts and Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
14 Abul Barkat and Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy বাংলাদেশের কৃষি: পত্তনি চাষ ও চুক্তিবদ্ধ চাষের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি (Agriculture of Bangladesh: Political Economy of Fixed Rent Leasing and Contract Farming).. Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 .
15 Abul Barkat and Jamaluddin Ahmed জাতির পিতা বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের জন্মশতবর্ষে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনার বাংলাদেশ বিনির্মাণে বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির বাজেট প্রস্তাবনা ২০১৯-২০ (An Alternative Budget Proposal for FY 2019-20 by the Bangladesh Economic Association : Developing Bangladesh in the Spirit of the Liberation War during the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman ).. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA), 2019 .
16 Abul Barkat উৎপাদন পদ্ধতি: তত্ত্ব, এশিয়াটিক, ইতিহাস রচনায় প্রাসঙ্গিকতা, প্রাক-পুঁজিবাদী চীন, আমেরিকা, বাংলাদেশ (Mode of Production: Theory, Asiatic, Historiographic relevance, Pre-capitalist China, America, Bangladesh).. Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 .
17 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman ট্রাস্ট সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত আইন ও সংশোধনী (Trust Act: Proposed Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
18 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Jahiruddin Ahmed, Md. Rahmat Ullah, A.K.M. Helal uz Zaman, T I M Nurun Nabi Chowdhury, Kawser Ahmed, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Asmar Osman অর্পিত সম্পত্তি সম্পর্কিত আইন: প্রস্তাবিত সংশোধনী (Vested Property Related Act: Proposed Amendments).. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019 .
19 Abul Barkat বাংলাদেশে মৌলবাদ: জঙ্গিবাদের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতির অন্দর-বাহির (Fundamentalism in Bangladesh: External and Internal Dimensions of the Political Economy of Militancy).. Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2018 .
20 Abul Barkat and Jamaluddin Ahmed মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনার বাংলাদেশ বিনির্মাণে বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির বিকল্প বাজেট প্রস্তাবনা ২০১৮-১৯ (Alternative Budget proposals 2018-19 of Bangladesh Economy Association to Build Bangladesh in the Spirit of Liberation War). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA), 2018 .
21 Abul Barkat and Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy Thematic Research on Migration and Development: Financial and Social Costs of International Migration. Dhaka: International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2017 .
22 Abul Barkat and SK Ali Ahmed Thematic Research on Migration and Development: Work, Workplace and Skills Mismatch in Migration. Dhaka: International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2017 .
23 Abul Barkat and Asmar Osman Thematic Research on Migration and Development: Migration, Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management. Dhaka: International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2017 .
24 Abul Barkat and Manzuma Ahsan Thematic Research on Migration and Development: International Migration, Social Protection and Rights. Dhaka: International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2017 .
25 Abul Barkat, Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy, Asmar Osman, Md. Abdus Sobhan and Rahinur Bintey Rafique Agricultural Production Practices in Chittagong Hill Tracts.. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation & Human Development Research Centre (HDRC), 2017 .
26 Abul Barkat “অর্থনীতিশাস্ত্রে দর্শনের দারিদ্র্য” (Poverty of Philosophy in Economics).. Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2017 .
27 Abul Barkat, Ashraf Uddin Chowdhury and Jamaluddin Ahmed মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনার বাংলাদেশ বিনির্মাণে বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির বিকল্প বাজেট প্রস্তাবনা ২০১৭-১৮ (Alternative Budget proposals 2017-18 of the Bangladesh Economy Association on the Creation of Bangladesh in the Spirit of Liberation War). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA), 2017 .
28 Abul Barkat, Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy, Asmar Osman and Aroni Barkat Rural Land Market in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study with the Poor and Marginalized People.. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2017 .
29 Hasanuzzaman Choudhury and Shiblee Noman Brexit Referendum Democratic Dividend or Deficit? A pioneer research contribution from peripheral geography. Dhaka: Center for Social Research, Bangladesh, 2016 .
30 Abul Barkat, Rowshan Ara, M. Taheruddin, Farid M Zahid and Md. Badiuzzaman বাংলাদেশে মাদ্রাসা শিক্ষার রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি: উৎস, বিকাশ ও প্রভাব (Political Economy of Madrassa Education in Bangladesh: Genesis, Growth, and Impact).. Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2016 .
31 Abul Barkat বাংলাদেশে মাদ্রাসা শিক্ষার রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি (Political Economy of Madrassa Education in Bangladesh).. Dhaka: বাঙলাদেশ ভাষা সমিতি, 2016 .
32 Abul Barkat মৌলবাদের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি বিচার-প্রসঙ্গে (A Critique of Political Economy of Fundamentalism). Dhaka: Pathshala Prokason, 2016 .
33 Abul Barkat, Ashraf Uddin Chowdhury and Jamaluddin Ahmed মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনার বাংলাদেশ বিনির্মাণে বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির বিকল্প বাজেট প্রস্তাবনা ২০১৬-১৭ (Alternative Budget proposals 2016-17 of the Bangladesh Economy Association to Build Bangladesh in the Spirit of Liberation War). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA), 2016 .
34 Abul Barkat বাংলাদেশে কৃষি-ভূমি-জলা সংস্কারের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি (Political Economy of Agrarian-Land-Aquarian Reform in Bangladesh).. Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2016 .
35 Abul Barkat Political Economy of Unpeopling of Indigenous Peoples: The Case of Bangladesh.. Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2016 .
36 Abul Barkat “বাংলাদেশে দারিদ্র্য-বৈষম্য-অসমতার কারণ-পরিণাম ও উত্তরণ সম্ভাবনা: একীভূত রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতির তত্ত্বের সন্ধানে” (Causes, Consequences and Transformation Possibilities of Poverty-Disparity-Inequality in Bangladesh: In Search of a Unified Political Economy Theory).. Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2016 .
37 Abul Barkat বঙ্গবন্ধু-সমতা-সাম্রাজ্যবাদ: বঙ্গবন্ধু ‘বেঁচে থাকলে’ কোথায় পৌঁছতো বাংলাদেশ? সাম্রাজ্যবাদী বিশ্ব-প্রভূত্বের যুগে সমতাবাদী সমাজবিনির্মাণের সম্ভাব্যতা প্রসঙ্গে (Bangobondhu–Equality–Imperialism).. Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2015 .
38 Abul Barkat, Sayeedul H. Khan, Shantanu Majumder, Muhammad Badiuzzaman, Nazme Sabina, Kawsher Ahamed and Md. Abdullah Local Governance and Decentralization in Bangladesh: Politics and Economics.. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, 2015 .
39 Abul Barkat, Asmar Osman and Subhash Kumar Sen Gupta In the corridors of remittance: Cost and use of remittances in Bangladesh. Dhaka: ILO Country Office for Bangladesh, 2014 .
40 Abul Barkat, Md. Ismain Hossain and Ehsanul Hoque The Cost: Causes of and potential redress for high recruitment and migration costs in Bangladesh.. Dhaka: ILO Country Office for Bangladesh, 2014 .
41 Abul Barkat and Sk. Ali Ahmed Skilling the workforce: Labour migration and skills recognition and certification in Bangladesh.. Dhaka: ILO Country Office for Bangladesh, 2014 .
42 Abul Barkat, Asmar Osman and Subhash Kumar Sen Gupta Reinforcing ties: Enhancing contributions from Bangladeshi diaspora members.. Dhaka: ILO Country Office for Bangladesh, 2014 .
43 Abul Barkat and Manzuma Ahsan Gender and migration from Bangladesh: Mainstreaming migration into the national development plans from a gender perspective.. Dhaka: ILO Country Office for Bangladesh, 2014 .
44 Abul Barkat নিজস্ব অর্থায়নে পদ্মা সেতু: জাতীয় ঐক্য সৃষ্টির শ্রেষ্ঠ সুযোগ (Padma Bridge through Own Source: Best Oportunity for National Integrity).. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA), 2012 .
45 Abul Barkat and Marc P. DeFrancis (Ed.). Economic Impacts of Inadequate Sanitation in Bangladesh.. Dhaka: World Bank, 2012 .
46 Abul Barkat, Ashraf uddin Chowdhury, Nigar Nargis, Mashfiqur Rahman, Md. Shahnewaz Khan, Ananda Kumar Pk, Sharmina Basshir and Frank J. Chaloupka The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Taxation in Bangladesh.. Paris: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2012 .
47 Abul Barkat, Rowshan Ara, M. Taheruddin, Farid M Zahid and Md. Badiuzzaman Political Economy of Madrassa Education in Bangladesh: Genesis, Growth, and Impact.. Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2011 .
48 Abul Barkat, Azizul Karim and Abdullah Al Hussain Social Protection Measures in Bangladesh: As Means to Improve Child Well-being.. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, 2011 .
49 Abul Barkat, Sadeka Halim, Avijit Poddar, Asmar Osman and Md. Badiuzzaman চেতনায়নেই উন্নয়ন: বাংলাদেশে নিজেরা করি’র অভিজ্ঞতা (Development as Conscientization: The Case of Nijera Kori in Bangladesh).. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, 2010 .
50 Abul Barkat, Mozammel Hoque, Sadeka Halim and Asmar Osman Life and Land of Adibashis: Land Dispossession and Alienation of Abidashis in the Plain Districts of Bangladesh.. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, 2009 .
51 Abul Barkat, Subhash Kumar Sengupta and Obaidur Rahman “বাংলাদেশের খাস জমির রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি: জমি ও জলায় দরিদ্রের অধিকার” (Political Economy of Khas Land in Bangladesh: Rights of Poor People in Land and Waterbodies).. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, 2009 .
52 Abul Barkat, Sadeka Halim, Avijit Poddar, Asmar Osman and Md. Badiuzzaman Development as Conscientization, The Case of Nijera Kori in Bangladesh.. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, 2008 .
53 Abul Barkat, Shafique uz Zaman, Md. Shahnewaz Khan, Avijit Poddar, Saiful Hoque and M Taher Uddin Deprivation of Hindu Minority in Bangladesh: Living with Vested Property.. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, 2008 .
54 Abul Barkat, Prosanta K Roy and Md. Shahnewaz Khan Charland in Bangladesh: Political Economy of Ignored Resource.. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, 2007 .
55 Abul Barkat and Prosanta K Roy বাংলাদেশের ভুমি মামলার রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি: বিশাল এক জাতীয় অপচয়ের কথকতা (Political Economy of Land Litigation in Bangladesh: A Case of Colossal National Wastage).. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, 2006 .
56 Dilruba Sharmin Bangladesher Protnobostu: Prachin Jugh, (Archaeological Remains of Ancient Bangladesh),. Dhaka: Somoy Prakashon, 2005 .
57 Abul Barkat and Prosanta K Roy Political Economy of Land Litigation in Bangladesh: A Case of Colossal National Wastage.. Dhaka: ALRD & Nijera Kori, 2004 .
58 Abul Barkat, Shafique uz Zaman and Selim Raihan Political Economy of Khas Land in Bangladesh.. Dhaka: ALRD, 2001 .
59 Abul Barkat, Shafique uz Zaman, Azizur Rahman, Avijit Poddar, Mahmud Ullah, Kazi Akbar Hussain and Subash Kumar Sen Gupta An Inquiry into Causes and Consequences of Deprivation of Hindu Minorities in Bangladesh through the Vested Property Act: Framework for a Realistic Solution.. Dhaka: PRIP TRUST, 2000 .
60 Abul Barkat Population and Development Challenges in Bangladesh: Innovations and Scopes for Collaboration. Dhaka: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, 1998 .
61 Abul Barkat, Sushil Ranjan Howlader, Barkat-e-Khuda, Jhon A Ross and Manik Lal Bose Family Planning Unmet Need in Bangladesh: Shaping of a Client-Oriented Strategy.. Dhaka: Agami Printing and Publishing Co., 1997 .
62 Abul Barkat, Shafique uz Zaman, Azizur Rahman and Avijit Poddar Political Economy of Vested Property Act in Rural Bangladesh.. Dhaka: ALRD, 1997 .
63 Abul Barkat, Mahmud Ullah and Manik Lal Bose Transforming Human Deprivation into Human Development: DipShetu Experience of Integrated Socio economic and Health Programs for the Destitute in Bangladesh.. Dhaka: University Research Corporation, Bangladesh, 1995 .
64 Abul Barkat, M.A. Islam, A.K.M. Rafiquz-Zaman, B. Rahman, A.A. Sabir, D.N.W. Chao, J. Ross, J. Tarvid, W. Winfrey, M. St. John and M. Pendzich Strategic Plan for the Bangladesh National Family Planning Program: 1995 2005. Dhaka: Technical Review Committee, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh, 1995 .
65 ড. নাজমুল আহসান কলিমউল্লাহ, আব্দুল্লাহ্‌-আল-মামুন and এম.এম.আসাদুজ্জামান নুর জাপানের অর্থনীতি. আহমদ পাবলিশিং হাউস, ২০১৪ .
66 ড. নাজমুল আহসান কলিমউল্লাহ, আব্দুল্লাহ্‌-আল-মামুন and এম. এম. আসাদুজ্জামান নুর জাপানের সমাজ ও সংস্কৃতি. আহমদ পাবলিশিং হাউস, ২০১৩ .
67 ড. নাজমুল আহসান কলিমউল্লাহ, আব্দুল্লাহ্‌-আল-মামুন and এম. এম. আসাদুজ্জামান নুর জাপানের সরকার ও রাজনীতি. আহমদ পাবলিশিং হাউস, ২০১৩ .
Book Section (87)
1 Md Jahangir Alam, Sheikh Rashid Bin Islam and Tauhid Hossain Khan "Digital centers and telehealth for marginalized communities during COVID-19: the case of Bangladesh." Digital Technology in Public Health and Rehabilitation Care. Raymond K.Y. Tong and Balasankar Ganesan Academic Press, 2024 53-63 .
2 Abdullah-Al-Mamun and Md. Saifullah Akon "Good Governance for Inclusive Development: A Comparison of Bangladesh with the BRICS Member India." Convergence and Developmental Aspects of Credit Allocations in BRICS Nations. Ramesh Chandra Das Routledge, 2024 300-319 .
3 Lubaba Basharat and Md Jahangir Alam "WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT FOR GENDER EQUALITY AND SUSTAINABLE CAREER PLANNING: THE CASE OF BANGLADESH." People, spaces and Places in Gendered Environments: Advances in Gender research. Vasilikie Demos & Marcia Texler Segal Emerald, 2024 79-97 .
4 Md Jahangir Alam, Kexin Wang and Mayeena Parvin "Impact of COVID-19 on the Well-Being of Children with Disabilities: Bangladesh." Teaching and Supporting Students with Disabilities During Times of Crisis: Culturally Responsive Best Practices from Around the World. Pavan John Antony, Stephen Mark Shore Newyork: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024 39-54 .
5 Md. Saifullah Akon "Approaches and Challenges of Japan’s Human Security Policy: An Evaluation." Human Security in Asia. Debasish Nandy & Debtanu Majee Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024 105-123 .
6 Dr.Lopamudra Malek "Resemblance of Religious Processions in Japan and Bengal." Santiniketan - A Bridge Between India and Japan and Various Aspects of Japan. Edited by Gita A. Keeni New Delhi: New Delhi Publishers, 2024 143-159 .
7 Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Md. Saifullah Akon and Shamsunnahar "Rethinking Development Effectiveness and Governance in Post-COVID-19 Period: Bangladesh Perspective." Inclusive Developments through Socio-economic indicators: New theoretical and empirical insights. Ramesh Chandra Das Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023 125-138 .
8 Shiblee Noman and Md. Saifullah Akon "Growing Assertiveness of Japan and China through Development Assistance in Bangladesh: An Assessment." Social Sciences for Life and Living. Celebrating 100 Years of the University of Dhaka: Reflections from Alumni National and International Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2023 141-162 .
9 Shiblee Noman and Md. Saifullah Akon "Growing Assertiveness of Japan and China through Development Assistance in Bangladesh: An Assessment." Celebrating 100 Years of the University of Dhaka: Reflections from Alumni-National and International-Social Sciences for Life and Living. Imtiaz Ahmed Pathak Shamabesh, 2023 .
10 Debasish Nandy, Abdullah-Al-Mamun and Md. Saifullah Akon "Financial Crises in Sri Lanka: In Search of Reasons, Sufferings, and Way Forward." Financial Crimes: A Guide to Financial Exploitation in a Digital Age. Chander Mohan Gupta Springer, 2023 49-65 .
11 Md. Saifullah Akon, Md. Juel Mia and Rathindra Nath Biswas "Politics, Development and Environment: Question of Sustainability." The Impact of Environmental Emissions and Aggregate Economic Activity on Industry: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. Mihir Kumar Pal Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023 39-51 .
12 Md. Saifullah Akon "Collaboration for Improved Teaching, Research and Skills Development." Japanese Studies: Evolution and Way Forward. Abdullah-Al-Mamun, PhD Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka, 2022 .
13 Dr. Lopamudra Malek "Japanese Studies." Japanese Studies: Evaluation and Way Forward. Edited by Aldullah Al Mamun Dhaka: Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka, 2022 53-75 .
14 Nashia Zaman "Comparison of DJS Curriculum with International Universities and Organizations." Japanese Studies: Evaluation and way forward. Dhaka: Department of Japanese studies, 2022 75-98 .
15 Shiblee Noman "History and Progress of the Department of Japanese Studies." Japanese Studies: Evaluation and Way Forward. Abdullah-Al-Mamun Dhaka: Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka, 2022 1-24 .
16 Md Jahangir Alam "Significance of Japanese Studies to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh." Japanese Studies: Evaluation and Way Forward. A A Mamun Dhaka: Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka, 2022 121-147 .
17 Parvin, M., & Alam, M. J. "The Shifting Paradigm of Early Childhood Education and Hurdles of Remote Learning in Bangladesh." Handbook of Research on Adapting Remote Learning Practices for Early Childhood and Elementary School Classrooms. A. Courtney-Dattola USA: 2022 598-613 .
18 Abdullah-Al-Mamun "Diffusion of Japanese Culture in Bangladesh via Japanese Restaurants." Japanese Studies in South Asia: New Horizons. P.A. George 2021 .
19 Md Jahangir Alam "Who Chooses School? Understanding Parental Aspiration for Child Transition from Home to Early Childhood Education (ECE) institutions in Bangladesh." Supporting Children’s Well-Being During Early Childhood Transition to School. S. Tatalović Vorkapić & J. LoCasale-Crouch Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, 2021 Ch. 5 .
20 Abul Barkat, Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy and Muhammad Irfanur Rahman "Khas Land: The Denial of Access.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017.. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 73-89 .
21 Abul Barkat, Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy and Muhammad Irfanur Rahman "Char Land: Paradise of Land Grabbing.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017.. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 91-107 .
22 Abul Barkat, Rahinur Bintey Rafique and Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy "Status and Problems of Implementing Vested Property Return Act.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017.. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 109-124 .
23 Abul Barkat, Asmar Osman and Muhammad Irfanur Rahman "Beyond Ethnicity: Land Grabbing in the Chattogram Hill Tracts.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017.. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 139-168 .
24 Abul Barkat, Hasna Hena Shawaly and Asmar Osman "Women: Silent Victims of Land Grabbing.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017.. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 169-188 .
25 Abul Barkat and Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy "Fixed Rent Leasing and Contract Farming: Potentials and Risks.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017.. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 207-228 .
26 Abul Barkat and Subhash Kumar Sengupta "Land Reform: Perspectives, Issues and Policies.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 251-286 .
27 Abul Barkat "Land Reform Monitoring Index 2017.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 287-325 .
28 Abul Barkat, Md. Waliul Islam, Manzuma Ahsan and Asmar Osman "Land Grabbing: A Quest for the Loopholes in Land Laws.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 41-72 .
29 Abul Barkat, Md. Waliul Islam, Manzuma Ahsan and Asmar Osman "Land Grabbing: A Quest for the Loopholes in Land Laws.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017. Abul Barkat (Ed.). Dhaka: MuktoBuddhi Publishers, 2019 33-40 .
30 Abul Barkat, Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy, Asmar Osman and Aroni Barkat "Rural Land Market with Reference to Poor and Marginalized.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 515-555 .
31 Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Asmar Osman and Md. Waliul Islam "Land Laws from Rights-based Approach: Status and Recommended Changes.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 579-653 .
32 Abul Barkat "Land Reform Monitoring: 2014 Status.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015.. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 701-760 .
33 Abul Barkat, Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy and Asmar Osman "Capacity Assessment of Land Administration and Management.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 556-578 .
34 Abul Barkat ,, Gazi Mohammad Suhrawardy and Asmar Osman "Commercialization of Agricultural Land and Contract Farming.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 480-514 .
35 Abul Barkat "Land-Water-Forest: Overall Political Economy.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 13-62 .
36 Abul Barkat and Shafiq-uz-Zaman "Khas Land: The Nature of Adverse Inclusion of the Excluded and Doables.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 63-87 .
37 Abul Barkat "Char Land: A Treatise.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 88-107 .
38 Abul Barkat "Land of Religious Minorities Affected by the Enemy Poverty Act and Vested Property Act.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 108-181 .
39 Abul Barkat "Land of “Unpeopled” Indigenous Peoples.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 182-291 .
40 Abul Barkat, Asmar Osman and Manzuma Ahsan "Rural Women and Land Inheritance.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 380-422 .
41 Abul Barkat "Women’s Ownership of and Access to Land and Land-related Interested.." Bangladesh Land Status Report 2015. Abul Barkat, Kazi Ebadul Hoque, Shafiq-uz-Zaman, Raja Devasish Roy, Sadeka Halim, Shamsul Huda (Eds.). Dhaka: Ramon Publishers, 2017 423-479 .
42 Abul Barkat "Understanding Dynamics of a Third World Economy: An Interdisciplinary Approach following New Pragmatism (In Polish: Zrozumienie dynamiki gospodarczej trzeciego świata i kierunki zmian – pragmatyczne podejście interdyscyplinarne).." Economics of the Future: On Kolodko’s New Pragmatism. Maciej Baltowski (Ed.). Warszawa (Poland): WN PWN, 2016 200-214 .
43 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে আদিবাসী মানুষের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি.." Jagaran O Abhyday (Renaissance and Emergence). Swarochish Sarker (Ed.). University of Rajshahi: Institute of Bangladesh Studies, 2015 265-289 .
44 Abul Barkat "বঙ্গবন্ধুর উন্নয়ন দর্শনের নিরিখে বঙ্গবন্ধু ‘বেঁচে থাকলে’ বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতি, সমাজ আজ কোথায় দাঁড়াতো? (In the light of development philosophy of Bangabondhu where the economy and society of Bangladesh could reach today if Bangabondhu ‘remained alive’).." ‘গৌরবময় পথ চলার ৬৫ বছর’: বাংলাদেশ আওয়ামী লীগ ১৯৪৯-২০১৪ (‘65 years of glorious walk’: Bangladesh Awami League 1949-2014). Hassan Mahmud and Md. Afzal Hussain (Eds.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Awami League, 2014 123-183 .
45 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh.." Survival or Extinction? Adivasi Rights in Bangladesh.. Shima Zaman (Ed.). Dhaka: National Human Rights Commission (JAMAKON), 2014 07-77 .
46 M. Abul Kashem Mozumder and Abdullah-Al-Mamun "Japan's Contribution Towards Economic Development and Political Stability of Bangladesh." Japan-SAARC Partnership- A Way Forward. Srabani Roy Chowdhury Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2014 178-194 .
47 Abul Barkat "মৌলবাদের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি ও সাম্প্রদায়িকতার সীমানা (Political Economy of Fundamentalism and Limits to Communalism).." ধর্মের রাজনীতি ও বাংলাদেশ (Politics of Religion and Bangladesh).. Sharif Shamsir(Ed.). Dhaka: Gonoprokasan, 2013 24-27 .
48 Abul Barkat "Population Policy in Bangladesh.." BANGLAPEDIA, National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh.. Sirajul Islam (Cheif Editor). Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2013 132-136 .
49 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতিতে মৌলবাদ ও মনোদারিদ্র্য.." Gaddyamongal.. Matiul Ahsan, Mizan Sarkar, Bilu Kabir (Eds.). Dhaka: Sahitua Academy, Kushtia, 2013 22-30 .
50 Moinul Islam and Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০০২-২০০৩ অর্থ-বছরের প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে অন্তর্ভুক্তির জন্য বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির সুপারিশমালা (Recommendations of Bangladesh Economic Association for inclusion in the proposed budget 2002-2003 of Bangladesh Government).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 13-22 .
51 Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০০২-২০০৩ অর্থ-বছরের প্রস্তাবিত বাজেট (Proposed budget 2002-2003 of Bangladesh Government).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 23-30 .
52 Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০০৫-২০০৬ অর্থ-বছরের প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে অন্তর্ভুক্তির জন্য বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির সুপারিশমালা (Recommendations of Bangladesh Economic Association for inclusion in the proposed budget 2005-2006 of Bangladesh Government).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 31-41 .
53 Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and Abul Barkat "২০০৫-২০০৬ বাজেট ঘোষণা উত্তর সংবাদ সম্মেলন (Press conference on post-budget 2005-2006 declaration).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 43-55 .
54 Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and Abul Barkat "২০০৬-২০০৭ বাজেট ঘোষণা উত্তর সংবাদ সম্মেলন, বাজেট ২০০৬-০৭: উন্নয়নদর্শন ও রাষ্ট্রব্যবস্থায়ই গলদ (Press conference on post-budget 2006-2007 declaration, budget 2006-2007: fault in the development philosophy and state system).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 57-72 .
55 Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০০৭-২০০৮ অর্থ-বছরের বাজেট উত্তর প্রতিক্রিয়া–সুপারিশ (Reactions and recommendations on Post-budget 2007-2008 of Bangladesh Government).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 73-90 .
56 Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad and Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০০৯-২০১০ অর্থবছরের বাজেট: প্রতিক্রিয়া ও সুপারিশ (Budget 2009-2010 of Bangladesh Government: reactions and recommendations).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 91-105 .
57 Abul Barkat and Toufic Ahmad Choudhury "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০১০-২০১১ অর্থবছরের প্রাক-বাজেট সুপারিশ (Recommendations on Pre-budget 2010-2011 of Bangladesh Government).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 107-116 .
58 Abul Barkat and Toufic Ahmad Choudhury "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০১০-২০১১ অর্থবছরের বাজেট: প্রতিক্রিয়া ও সুপারিশ (Budget 2010-2011 of Bangladesh Government: reactions and recommendations).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 117-134 .
59 Abul Barkat and Toufic Ahmad Choudhury "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০১১-২০১২ অর্থ-বছরের প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে অন্তর্ভুক্তির জন্য বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির সুপারিশমালা (Recommendations of Bangladesh Economic Association for inclusion in the proposed budget 2011-2012 of Bangladesh Government).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 135-144 .
60 Abul Barkat, Toufic Ahmad Choudhury and Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০১১-২০১২ অর্থবছরের বাজেট: প্রতিক্রিয়া ও সুপারিশ (Budget 2011-2012 of Bangladesh Government: reactions and recommendations).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 145-169 .
61 Abul Barkat and Toufic Ahmad Choudhury "বাংলাদেশ সরকারের ২০১২-২০১৩ অর্থবছরের বাজেট: প্রতিক্রিয়া ও সুপারিশ (সাংবাদিক সম্মেলন) (Budget 2012-2013 of Bangladesh Government: reactions and recommendations).." বাংলাদেশের বাজেট ২০০১-২০১২: বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতির প্রাক্-বাজেট ও বাজেটউত্তর বিশ্লেষণ (Budget of Bangladesh 2001-2012: Pre-budget and Post-budget analysis by Bangladesh Economic Association). Toufic Ahmad Choudhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2012 171-191 .
62 Nazme Sabina and Abul Barkat "Dynamics of Health Sector Policy and Reforms.." Bangladesh Health Watch Report 2011: Moving Towards Universal Health Coverage. Dhaka: Bangladesh Health Watch, James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, 2012 7-23 .
63 Rumana H, Abul Barkat and N. Sabina "Public health Expenditure: Equity, Efficacy and Universal Health Coverage.." Bangladesh Health Watch Report 2011: Moving Towards Universal Health Coverage. Dhaka: Bangladesh Health Watch, James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, 2012 25-32 .
64 Abul Barkat "আদিবাসী: ভূমি ও সঙ্গত প্রসঙ্গ.." Adibasee: Vuumi O Sangata Prasanga. Bilu Kabir (Ed.). Dhaka: Shikder Abul BasharGatidhara, 2011 17-23 .
65 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Deprivation of Hindu Minority in Bangladesh: Living with the Vested Property Act.." Minorities and the State: Changing Social and Political Landscape of Bengal. Abhijit Dasgupta, Masahiko Togawa, Abul Barkat (Eds.). New Delhi: SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd. & Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (JASAS), 2011 91-118 .
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71 Abul Barkat "Thoughts of Joseph E. Stiglitz.." Sustainable Development and Neo-Liberalism. Public Lecture by Joseph E. Stiglitz. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2004 5-14 .
72 Abul Barkat "Rights to Development and Human Development: Concepts and Status in Bangladesh.." Human Rights in Bangladesh 2002. Hossain, H. (Ed.). Dhaka: Ain-o-Shalish Kendra, 2003 33-69 .
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75 Abul Barkat and Subash Kumar Sengupta "প্রসঙ্গ: কেনেথ জে এরোর অর্থনীতি চিন্তা, ১৯৭২ সালে অর্থনীতি বিজ্ঞানে নোবেল বিজয়ী (On Economic Thoughts of Kenneth J. Arrow).." Some Paradoxes of Sustainability: Empirical and Theoretical. Public Lecture by Kenneth J. Arrow Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2002 33-52 .
76 Abul Barkat "Development-Freedom-Empowerment: In the Context of Poverty and Deprivation in Bangladesh.." Human Rights and Development. Rahman, M. (Ed.). Dhaka: Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), 2002 17-38 .
77 Abul Barkat "Forced Outmigration of Hindu Minority: Human Deprivation due to Vested Property Act.." On the Margin, Refugee and Migratory Movement Research Unit.. Chowdhury. RA. (Ed.). 2000 .
78 Abul Barkat "Governance of Public Health in Bangladesh.." Crisis of Governance in Bangladesh: Independent Review of Bangladesh Development 1998. Rehman Sobhan (Ed.). Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1998 .
79 Abul Barkat "Population Distribution, Urbanization and Internal Migration.." Population and Development Issues in Bangladesh. Abul, Barkat. Sushil Ranjan Howlader (Eds.). Dhaka: National Plan of Action, Based on ICPD ’94 Reccommendations, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh, 1997 151-178 .
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81 Abul Barkat "কৃষিতে সাম্রাজ্যবাদ (Imperialism in Agriculture).." বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতি: সংকটকাল (Economy of Bangladesh: Period of Crisis).. Dhaka: কেন্দ্রীয় পরিষদ, বাঙলাদেশ লেখক শিবির (Bangladesh Wrtiters Guild), 1987 26-35 .
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83 Abul Barkat "বিশ্ববীক্ষার বিষয়: সম্পাদকের বক্তব্য (Subject-matter of Cosmology: Editorial).." মার্কসীয় বিশ্ববীক্ষা, প্রথম খণ্ড (Marxian Cosmology, Vol. 1).. Abu Mahmud. Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1985 15-21 .
84 Abul Barkat "পুঁজিবাদের পুঁজি ও তৃতীয় বিশ্ব: সামাজিক-অর্থনৈতিক এবং রাজনৈতিক প্রক্রিয়া- সম্পাদকীয় বক্তব্য (Capital for Capitalism and Third World: Socio-economic and Political Process- Editorial).." পুঁজিবাদের পুঁজি ও তৃতীয় বিশ্ব: সামাজিক-অর্থনৈতিক এবং রাজনৈতিক প্রক্রিয়া (Capital for Capitalism and Third World: Socio-economic and Political Process).. Abu Mahmud. Dhaka: Dhaka University, 1985 10-16 .
85 Abul Barkat "ভূমি সংস্কার একটি মৌলিক ও বৈপ্লবিক কর্মকাণ্ড: রাষ্ট্রীয় বলপ্রয়োগ অপরিহার্য (Agrarian Reform in Bangladesh a Radical Act and the Role of State Compulsion).." Land Reform. Ahmed, E. (Ed.). Dhaka: Book Society, 1982 49-59 .
86 Dr. Lopamudra Malek , Ajit Rabi Das "Tea Culture in India: Past and Present,." Nation and Development: Colonial and Post Colonial India. Edited by Dr. Ratanlal Chakraborty KOlkata: Bhairab Ganguly Collage (Kol -56), 2016 72-116 .
87 Alam, Md Jahangir, Islam, S. R. and Ogawa, Keiichi "Discrete Primary Education Curriculum in Bangladesh: Implications of Gamification for Quality Education." Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning. Carol Lane USA: IGI Global, 2022 716-730 .
Journal Article (207)
1 Mehedi Hasan, Md Jahangir Alam and Dilruba Sharmin : The role of higher education for sustainable employment in Bangladesh, Discover Sustainability (impact factor:2.4) , vol.5 , no.1 Springer Nature , pp.1-14 , 2024 .
2 Dilruba Sharmin and Efrat Shafin : Conservation of Traditional Pottery Art as Geographical Indications (GIs): A Case Study of Bijaypur Pottery Village of Cumilla in Bangladesh, Perspectives in Social Science. Centre for Advanced Research in Social Sciences (CARSS) , vol.18 Centre for Advanced Research in Social Sciences (CARSS) , pp.117-142 , 2024 .
3 Alam, Md Jahangir : Influence of parental aspirations in remodelling early childhood education (ECE) in Bangladesh: cultural factors as a catalyst, Education 3-13 (impact factor:1.0) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group , pp.1-13 , 2024 .
4 Abul Kalam, Md Jahangir Alam, Lubaba Basharat, Golam Faruk Sarker, M. Abdullah Al Mamun and Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan : The right to education and attitudes toward Hijras in Bangladesh: assessing educational support to achieve sustainable communities, Quality Education for All , vol.1 , no.1 Emerald Publishing Limited , pp.187-203 , 2024 .
5 Md Jahangir Alam, Md Abul Hafaz and Firuz Humayra Methe : Skills development for sustainable career planning in Bangladesh: the case of gender equality in education, Quality Education for All , vol.1 , no.2 Emerald Publishing Limited , pp.60-79 , 2024 .
6 Md Jahangir Alam, Keiichi Ogawa and Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan : Quality assurance of science and technology universities in Bangladesh: a catalyst for sustainable employment during the 4IR, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management (impact factor:3.3) , vol.15 , no.4 Emerald Publishing Limited , pp.1-23 , 2024 .
7 Md. Saifullah Akon and Md. Juel Mia : Performance of JICA funded cyclone shelter in the coastal areas of Bangladesh: An empirical analysis from Pirojpur district, Progress in Disaster Science Elsevier , 2024 .
8 Md. Saifullah Akon, Tasriful Kabir and Md. Sayful Islam : Opportunities and Challenges of Japanese Restaurant Business in Bangladesh: An in-depth analysis, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration (BJPA) , vol.31 , no.2 Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre , pp.01-22 , 2024 .
9 Md Jahangir Alam and Keiichi Ogawa : Future-readiness and employable ICT skills of university graduates in Bangladesh: an analysis during the post-covid era, Cogent Social Sciences (impact factor:1.8) , vol.10 , no.1 Taylor & Francis group , pp.1-17 , 2024 .
10 Md Jahangir Alam, Keiichi Ogawa and Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan : Japanese investment for skills development program in attaining sustainable employability: The case of Bangladesh, World Development Sustainability , vol.4 , no.June 2024 Elsevier , pp.1-11 , 2024 .
11 Md. Saifullah Akon and Debasish Nandy : Japanese Culinary Industry in South Asia: An Exploratory Comparison of Indian and Bangladeshi Consumers, The Journal of Indian and Asian Studies , vol.5 , no.1 World Scientific , 2024 .
12 Dr.Lopamudra Malek : Japanese Prose and Poems Translated in Bengali Language: 1863-1971, ベンガル語先行研究室,東京外国語大学 , vol.2 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies , pp.43-68 , 2024 .
13 Md Jahangir Alam, S M Ali Reza, Keiichi Ogawa and Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan : Sustainable employment for vocational education and training graduates: the case of future skills matching in Bangladesh, International Journal of Training Research (impact factor:.9) Taylor & Francis Group , pp.1-23 , 2024 .
14 Dr. Lopamudra Malek : Significance and Expected Role of JSASA for Expanding Japanese Studies in South Asia, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.1 Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka , pp.53-75 , 2024 .
15 Mamun, A. A., and Banna, F. Y. : Prospects and Challenges of Japanese FDI in Bangladesh, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.2 , pp.115-136 , 2023 .
16 Abid Ahmad and Shiblee Noman : Gender Inequality in the Labour Force: A Comparative Study between Japan and Bangladesh, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.2 , no.1 Department of Japanese Studies , pp.137-156 , 2023 .
17 Dr. Lopamudra Malek and মোঃ সাইফুল্লাহ আকন : সমসাময়িককালে জাপানি ও বাঙালি নারীর সামাজিক ও রাজনৈতিক ক্ষ্মতায়নঃ একটি তুলনামূলক বীক্ষণ, সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা শতবর্ষ বিশেষ সংখ্যা , vol.১৫ , no.পৌষ সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান অনুষদ , pp.১৩৩-১৫৫ , 2023 .
18 Khandokar Tazina Islam and Md Jahangir Alam : Inclusive Higher Educational Opportunity and Environments to Achieve SDG4 in Bangladesh: Lessons from Japan, International Journal of Educational Research Open , vol.6 , no.100317 Elsevier , pp.1-11 , 2023 .
19 Md Jahangir Alam, Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan and Keiichi Ogawa : Cultural influence in curriculum remodeling of early childhood education in Bangladesh: an empirical study, Discover Education , vol.2 , no.40 Springer Nature , pp.1-20 , 2023 .
20 Md Jahangir Alam : The Pursuit of Japan and China's Rivalry and Soft Diplomatic Strategy towards South and Southeast Asia: Importance of Bangladesh, Journal of International Affairs , vol.24 , no.2 Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs , pp.69-94 , 2023 .
21 Md Jahangir Alam and Md Saifullah Akon : Japan-Bangladesh geo-economic cooperation: the lens of Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) for peace, stability and prosperity, Asian Review of Political Economy , vol.2 , no.5 Springer Nature , pp.1-19 , 2023 .
22 Md Jahangir Alam, Keiichi Ogawa, Lubaba Basharat and Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan : Significance of quality higher education in the advancement of gender equality: the case of Bangladesh, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (impact factor:1.7) , vol.15 , no.4 Emerald , pp.1-13 , 2023 .
23 Md. Jahangir Alam and Md. Saifullah Akon : Japan-Bangladesh Geo-economic Cooperation: The Lens of Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) for Peace, Stability and Prosperity, Asian Review of Political Economy , vol.2 , no.5 Springer , pp.1-19 , 2023 .
24 Alam, M. J., Islam, R. and Ogawa, K. : Digitalization of higher education to achieve sustainability: Investigating students’ attitudes toward digitalization in Bangladesh, International Journal of Educational Research Open , no.5 Elsevier , pp.1-13 , 2023 .
25 Shamsunnahar and Md. Saifullah Akon : The Geopolitics of Vaccine Diplomacy: Navigating Sino-Japanese Competition in Southeast Asia, Social Science Review , vol.39 , no.2 Dhaka University , pp.99-119 , 2023 .
26 Alam, M. J; Sharmin, D. : Skills Development for Graduate Employability: The Case of TVET Japanese Language Program in Bangladesh, Journal of Technical Education and Training (impact factor:1.22) , vol.15 , no.2 Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia , pp.72-91 , 2023 .
27 Alam, M. J.; Ogawa, K. : Parental aspirations for children’s early childhood education enrolment in Bangladesh, International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education , vol.12 , no.2 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science , pp.1136-1144 , 2023 .
28 Md. Jahangir Alam and Dilruba Sharmin : Skills Development for Graduate Employability in Bangladesh: Japanese Language in TVET Program, Journal of Technical Education and Training, , vol.15 , no.2 Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher’s Office , pp.72-91 , 2023 .
29 Md Jahangir Alam, Md Monirul Islam and Kexin Wang : Shifting Paradigm of Japanese Human Capital Development in Aging Population Settings: Lessons for Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Studies [Journal of the Faculty of Arts] , vol.74-78 , no.1-2 The Registrar, University of Dhaka , pp.69-85 , 2023 .
30 Alam, M. J.; Ogawa, K.; Islam, S. R. B. : e-Learning as a Doubled-Edge Sword for Academic Achievements of University Students in Developing Countries: Insights from Bangladesh, Sustainability (impact factor:3.889) , vol.15 , no.9 MDPI , pp.1-15 , 2023 .
31 Dilruba Sharmin : Scientific Analysis on the Manufacturing Technique of Early Historic Pottery of Bangladesh: Application of Experimental Archaeology, International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) , vol.5 , no.1 , 2023 .
32 Md. Saifullah Akon, Narut Charoensri and Md. Zakiul Alam : South and Southeast Asian Perceptions of Japan’s Strategic Rise for a Balanced Indo-Pacific: a Cross-National Case Study on Bangladesh and Thailand, East Asia Springer Nature , 2023 .
33 Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Shiblee Noman and Md. Saifullah Akon : Japanese FDI and Development Vision of Bangladesh: Lessons from Thailand, Perspectives in Social Sciences , vol.17 , no.1 Centre for Advanced Research in Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.9-32 , 2023 .
34 Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Shiblee Noman and Md. Saifullah Akon : Japanese FDI and Development Vision of Bangladesh: Lessons from Thailand, Perspectives in Social Sciences , vol.17 , no.01 , pp.9-32 , 2023 .
35 Md Jahangir Alam : Bangladesh’s Early Childhood Education Settings’ School Preparation Depends on Parental Socioeconomic Status: An Empirical Study, International Journal of Early Childhood (impact factor:1.41) , vol.55 , no.1 Springer Nature , pp.1-23 , 2023 .
36 Md Jahangir Alam : Japan's Role in the Socio-Economic Development of Bangladesh: A Review, Arts Faculty Journal (Bangla) , vol.12 , no.17 Arts Faculty, University of Dhaka , pp.51-71 , 2023 .
37 Shiblee Noman and Ashique Billah : The Golden Jubilee of Bilateral Relations: Japanese Contribution in Achieving Development Goals of Bangladesh, BIISS Journal , vol.44 , no.1 Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) , pp.65-85 , 2023 .
38 Alam, M J : Book Review of New Frontiers in Japanese Studies, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.1 , no.1 Department of Japanese Studies , 2022 .
39 Nashia Zaman and G M Rashedul Islam : Situating Bangladesh in the New Industrial Revolution: Adopting Lessons from Developed Countries, Banglladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.38 , no.2 , pp.129-142 , 2022 .
40 Dilruba Sharmin and Umeya Kiyoshi : Covid-19 and Its Impact on Bangladeshi Students in Japan, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity (JJSEM) , vol.1 , no.1 Department of Japanese Studies , pp.59-85 , 2022 .
41 Md Jahangir Alam : Japan’s contribution to Bangladesh: Aspirations for inclusive development and regional cooperation, Cogent Social Sciences , vol.8 , no.1 Taylor & Francis Online , pp.1-15 , 2022 .
42 Md. Saifullah Akon, Shiblee Noman and Afnan Nur Bhuiyan : জাপানের নতুন শ্রম অভিবাসন নীতিঃ বাংলাদেশি কর্মীদের জন্য সম্ভাবনা ও চ্যালেঞ্জ (Japan's New Immigration Policy: Prospects and Challenges for Bangladeshi Workers), বাংলাদেশ লোক-প্রশাসন পত্রিকা , vol.20 বাংলাদেশ লোক-প্রশাসন প্রশিক্ষণ কেন্দ্র , pp.67-88 , 2022 .
43 Md Jahangir Alam, Keiichi Ogawa and Sheikh Rashid Bin Islam : Importance of Skills Development for Ensuring Graduates Employability: The Case of Bangladesh, Social Sciences , vol.11 , no.8 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) , pp.360 , 2022 .
44 Md Jahangir Alam : Japan's Foreign Policies in South and Southeast Asia Under Chinese Influence: Significance of Bangladesh, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.1 , no.2 Department of Japanese Studies , pp.137-156 , 2022 .
45 Nashia Zaman, Nayeema Nusrat Chowdhury and Dr. Jean-Baptiste Mohamadou Bassirou Sanfo : Forecasting Japan-Bangladesh Trade and Investment Scenario in Post-Covid Period, Journal of Japanese Studies- Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.61-78 , 2022 .
46 Dilruba Sharmin, Saifullah Akon and Fouzia Reza : Are the Rohingyas George Floyds of Asia? – Challenges of Practicing Culture as a Persecuted Ethnicity, Social Science Review, , vol.39 , no.1 , pp.75-90 , 2022 .
47 Dilruba Sharmin, Md. Saifullah AKon and Fouzia Reza : ARE THE ROHINGYAS GEORGE FLOYDS OF ASIA? -CHALLENGES OF PRACTICING CULTURE AS A PERSECUTED ETHNICITY, Social Science Review , vol.39 , no.1 , pp.75-90 , 2022 .
48 লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : স্বকীয় ঐতিহ্যের ধারায় জাপানি নান্দনিকতার পতভূমিঃ একটি নিরীক্ষণ, বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াসাটিক সোসাইটি পত্রিকা , vol.গ্রীস্ম , no.৪০ তম সংখ্যা বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াসাটিক সোসাইটি , pp.১০৭-১২৬ , 2022 .
49 Dilruba Sharmin : Takaukibori’ Technique in Makuzu Kōzan’s Ceramic Art: Transformation of Traditional Japanese Aesthetics of Meiji Era., Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity (JJSEM), , vol.1 , no.1 , 2022 .
50 Banna, F. Y. : Comparing Women Empowerment issue in Bangladesh and Japan and Its Possible Impacts, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinary , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.551-567 , 2022 .
51 Lopamudra Malek and Md. Saifullah Akon : সমসাময়িককালে জাপানি ও বাঙালি নারীর সামাজিক ও রাজনৈতিক ক্ষমতায়নঃ একটি তুলনামূলক বীক্ষণ, সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , vol.15 , 2021 .
52 Dilruba Sharmin : The Growing Influence of Japanese Pop Culture on the Young Consumers of Bangladesh, Journal of the School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University Northern Book Centre, New Delhi , 2021 .
53 মোঃ সাইফুল্লাহ আকন, শিবলী নোমান and আফনান নূর ভূঁইয়া : জাপানের নতুন শ্রম অভিবাসন নীতিঃ বাংলাদেশী কর্মীদের জন্য সম্ভাবনা ও চ্যালেঞ্জ, বাংলাদেশ লোক-প্রশাসন পত্রিকা , no.২০ বাংলাদেশ লোকপ্রসাশন প্রশিক্ষণ কেন্দ্র , pp.৬৭-৮৮ , 2020 .
54 Dr. Lopamudra Malek and Mr. Saifullah Akon : Kinship in Contemporary Japanese Society : An Overview, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies , Part -D , vol.37 , no.2 , 2020 .
55 Md. Saifullah Akon and Mahfujur Rahman : Reshaping the Global Order in the Post COVID-19 Era: A Critical Analysis, Chinese Journal of International Review , vol.2 , no.1 , 2020 .
56 Dilruba Sharmin : ‘Technological Interpretation of Traditional Ceramic Materials: Based on thin-section petrography’, International Journal of Conservation Science , vol.vol. 11 , no.Issue 2, , pp.539-556 , 2020 .
57 Md. Saifullah Akon : UNITED STATES-CHINA DICHOTOMY AND ITS IMPACT ON POST COVID-19 GLOBAL POLITICS: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS, Malaysian Journal of International Relations , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.1-19 , 2020 .
58 Md. Saifullah Akon and Afnan Nur Bhuiyan : Rumors and Its Impact on Youth during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Bangladesh, Journal of Research in Education, Science and Technology , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.26-35 , 2020 .
59 Dr. Lopamudra Malek : Impact of Second World War in Endo Shusaku's Litetary Work : Sea and Poison, Journal of Strategic and Global Studies , vol.3 , no.1 Journal of Strategic and Global Studies , 2020 .
60 Md. Saifullah Akon and Nadiim Aktar : COVID-19’s Lethality for the Elderly and Alternative Case in Bangladesh: A Comparative Demographic Analysis, Journal of Politics and Governance , vol.8 , no.7-9 , pp.21-32 , 2020 .
61 Mahfujur Rahman and Md. Saifullah Akon : The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine: Expectations and Reality, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) , vol.4 , no.3 , 2020 .
62 Md Jahangir Alam : Dilemma of Parental Aspiration for Children with Special Needs in Early Childhood Education (ECE) Settings: The Case of Bangladesh’, Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education (APJRECE) , vol.13 , no.3 , pp.25-43 , 2019 .
63 Dilruba Sharmin, Syed Abdul Halim : An Approach to the Functional Interpretation of Contemporary Bangladeshi Museums, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.64 , no.1 , pp.1-41 , 2019 .
64 Dilruba Sharmin : ‘Adversity of the Traditional Pottery Industry of Bangladesh: some approaches for possible solution’, PRATNATTATA, Journal of Archaeology Department , vol.25 , no.Silver Jubilee Issue , pp.183-194 , 2019 .
65 Dr. Lopamudra Malek : Representation of Women and Goddesses in Endo Shusaku's 'Deep River', Outlook Japan , Journal of Japanese Area Studies, University of Indonesia. , vol.Vol.7 , no.1 , pp.17-28 , 2019 .
66 Md. Saifullah Akon and Shiblee Noman : Japan-ASEAN Security Relations: Challenges for the 21st Century, Journal of Politics and Administration , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.251-260 , 2019 .
67 ড. লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : জাপানি হাইকু কাব্যচর্চার সূচনাকাল: একটি পর্যালোচনা, আধুনিক ভাষা ইনস্টিটিউট পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ^বিদ্যালয় , vol.30 , pp.137-153 , 2019 .
68 Mahfujur Rahman and Md. Saifullah Akon : Geopolitical Economy of Myanmar and the Role of Great Powers in Rohingya Crisis, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) , vol.3 , no.X , 2019 .
69 Abul Barkat, Nurunnahar and Golam Mahiyuddin : Use of ICT in Police Station: A Rural and Urban Perspective., Police Staff College Journal , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.1-14 , 2018 .
70 Abul Barkat : Is there any Impact of Microcredit on Women’s Health? What about an Alternative Model?., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.34 , no.1 , pp.15-30 , 2018 .
71 Abul Barkat : বিপর্যস্ত অর্থনীতি শাস্ত্র: বিপর্যয় কোথায় ও কী করা? (Disorderd Economic Science: Where lies the disorderdliness and what are the doables?)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.33 , no.2 , pp.51-60 , 2017 .
72 Lopamudra Malek : Recruitment System in the Civil Service of Japan and Bangladesh: A Comparative Study, , 2017 .
73 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে মাদ্রাসা শিক্ষার সমাজতত্ত্ব (Sociology of Madrassa Education in Bangladesh)., Protibuddhijibi , vol.28 , pp.9-144 , 2016 .
74 Md Jahangir Alam : Socio-Economic Perspective of Gender Development and Empowerment of Women: An Overview of Japan-Bangladesh, Journal of the Faculty of Art , vol.8 , no.10-11 Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka , pp.239-259 , 2016 .
75 Md Jahangir Alam : Japan’s Transformation from Meiji Era to Modern Age: A Politico-Economic Overview, Social Science Review , vol.33 , no.1 , pp.127-143 , 2016 .
76 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে মৌলবাদ ও মৌলবাদী জঙ্গিত্বের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি (Political Economy of Fundamentalism and Fundamentalist Extremism in Bangladesh)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.31 , no.4 , pp.1-68 , 2016 .
77 Abdullah-Al-Mamun and S. K. Sengupta : Review of the book Political Economy of Unpeopling Indigenous Peoples: The Case of Bangladesh by Abul Barkat, Social Science Review , vol.33 , no.2 , pp.291-298 , 2016 .
78 S M Ali Reza and Md Jahangir Alam : Japan’s Security Debate: An Overview, The Social Science Journal , vol.9 , no.9 , pp.97-109 , 2015 .
79 Md Jahangir Alam and T. H. Khan : Comprehending the Solutions of Refugee Issues and Underneath Politics: Bangladesh and Myanmar Perspective, Lok-Prosashaon Samoeeky , vol.64 , no.April-June , pp.19-38 , 2015 .
80 Dilruba Sharmin, Tetsuo Miyakoshi, Fumio Okada, : ‘Identification of Lacquer Coated Pottery in the Bangladesh Context’, The International Centre for Study of Bengal Art (ICSBA), Journal of Bengal Art, , Dhaka, Bangladesh, , vol.Vol.20, , 2015 .
81 Abul Barkat : অর্থনীতি শাস্ত্রের বিকাশ ও নব্য-উদারবাদী মতবাদ: ‘দর্শনের দারিদ্র’ প্রসঙ্গে (Growth of Economic Science and Neo-liberal Doctrine: In Context of ‘Poverty of Philosophy’)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.31 , no.2 , pp.71-114 , 2015 .
82 Abul Barkat : বঙ্গবন্ধুর উন্নয়ন-দর্শনের নিরিখে বঙ্গবন্ধু ‘বেঁচে থাকলে’ বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতি ও সমাজ আজ কোথায় দাঁড়াতো? (If Bangabandhu would remain alived, then in terms of Bangabandhu's Development Philosophy, Where the Economy and Society of Bangladesh would Stand Today?)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.31 , no.2 , pp.1-70 , 2015 .
83 Abul Barkat : Political Economy of Unpeopling of Indigenous People: The Case of Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.31 , no.1 , pp.121-212 , 2015 .
84 S.M. Ali Reza and Abdullah-Al-Mamun : Patterns of Japanese Families: Change and Continuity, Perspectives in Social Sciences , vol.11 , pp.7-16 , 2015 .
85 Md Jahangir Alam : Role of Media and Governance for Bridging Socio-political Barriers: Japan-Bangladesh Perspective, Journal of International Affairs , vol.18 , no.1 & 2 , pp.85-102 , 2014 .
86 Abul Barkat : A Treatise on Political Economy of Unpeopling of Religious Minorities in Bangladesh through the Enemy Property Act and Vested Property Act., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.30 , no.1 , pp.1-62 , 2014 .
87 Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, Abdullah-Al-Mamun and M. M. Asaduzzaman Nur : Democratization and Democratic Practice of Japan's Local Government: A Review, The Journal of Local Government , vol.40 , no.1 , pp.21-42 , 2014 .
88 Alam, M J : Consequences of Social Change in Japan: lessons for Bangladesh, Journal of Society and Change , vol.7 , no.4 , pp.39-57 , 2013 .
89 M. Abul Kashem Mozumder, Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah and Abdullah-Al-Mamun : State of Governance and Politics in Japan: A Review from Jomon to Edo Period, Jahangirnagar Journal of Administrative Studies , vol.6 , pp.15-26 , 2013 .
90 Abdullah-Al-Mamun : Education and Socialization in Japan: A Sociological Review, Journal of Socioeconomic Research and Development (JSERD) , vol.10 , no.1-6 , pp.1537-1545 , 2013 .
91 Abdullah-Al-Mamun : Bangladesh-Korea ICT Training Center for Education (BKITCE) – A Successful Footprint of South-South Cooperation, Social Science Review , vol.31 , no.1 , pp.193-212 , 2013 .
92 Dilruba Sharmin, Takayuki Honda, Fumio Okada, : ‘ The Black Surface Coating of Ancient Pottery Excavated from Wari-Bateshwar and Mahasthan, Bangladesh’, The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (ASB) (Humanities group), , vol.Vol. 57, No.1 , no.(June issue), , 2012 .
93 Dilruba Sharmin, Takayuki Honda, Fumio Okada : Surface Coating Technique of the Northern Black Polished Ware by Microscopic Analysis, Ancient Asia, Journal of the Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA), Ubiquity press, India, , vol.Vol.3, , 2012 .
94 Abul Barkat, Abdullah Al Hussain and Md. Ismail Hossain : Mismatch of Minority Population in Bangladesh: Population Census Vis-a-vis National Voter List., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.27 , no.1-2 , pp.9-24 , 2011 .
95 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে নারীর অর্থনৈতিক ক্ষমতায়ন: মানব উন্নয়ন পরিকল্পনায় যা ভাবতে হবে (Women's Economic Empowerment in Bangladesh: What to Think About in the Human Development Plan)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.27 , no.1 & 2 , pp.29-36 , 2011 .
96 Abul Barkat : ষষ্ঠ পঞ্চবার্ষিকী পরিকল্পনায় দারিদ্র্য ও বৈষম্য হ্রাস: উক্ত ও অনুক্ত বিষয়াদি (Reducing Poverty and Discrimination in the Sixth Five Year Plan: Issues Told and Untold)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.27 , no.1 & 2 , pp.345-362 , 2011 .
97 Abul Barkat : “রূপকল্প ২০২১” বাস্তবায়নে গণমুখী সমবায় আন্দোলন (People-oriented Cooperative Movement in the Implemention of “Vission 2021”)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.26 , no.2 , pp.1-34 , 2010 .
98 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে প্রতিবন্ধীতা ও দারিদ্র্যের চক্র: যোগসূত্র, ব্যয়-বরাদ্দ ও করণীয় (The Cycle of Disability and Poverty in Bangladesh: Linkages, Allocation and Doables)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.26 , no.2 , pp.243-254 , 2010 .
99 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে সমবায় আন্দোলন ও রূপকল্প ২০২১ বাস্তবায়ন (Cooperative Movement in Bangladesh and Implementation of Vision 2021)., Bangladesh Ecomomic Association Samoyikee , vol.2 , pp.705-740 , 2010 .
100 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে কৃষি-ভূমি-জলা সংস্কার: উন্নয়নের দিগন্ত (Agriculture-Land-Aquarian Reform in Bangladesh: Horizon of Development)., Bangladesh Ecomomic Association Samoyikee , vol.2 , pp.767-817 , 2010 .
101 Abul Barkat : অর্পিত সম্পত্তি আইনে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত মানুষের আর্থ-সামাজিক বঞ্চনা: প্রকৃতি ও সমাধান (Socio-economic Deprivation of the People Affected by the Vested Property Act)., Bangladesh Ecomomic Association Samoyikee , vol.1 , pp.3-24 , 2010 .
102 Abul Barkat : Political Economy of Health Care in Bangladesh., Social Science Review , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.25-54 , 2010 .
103 Abul Barkat : Life and Livelihood of Indigenous Peoples in the Chittagong Hill Tracts: What we know?., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.25 , no.1 & 2 , pp.1-20 , 2009 .
104 Abul Barkat : Economics of Tobacco in Bangladesh: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Policy., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.25 , no.1-2 , pp.399-424 , 2009 .
105 Abul Barkat : Political Economy of Energy for Attaining MDGs in Bangladesh: Challenges and Options., Social Science Review , vol.25 , no.2 , pp.165-193 , 2008 .
106 Abul Barkat and Asmar Osman : Macroeconomic Dynamics of South Asian Economics: Prospects and Challenges., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.24 , no.1-2 , pp.11-50 , 2008 .
107 Abul Barkat : Poverty Reduction through Energy Services-Challenges and Doables towards Millennium Development Goals., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.24 , no.1 & 2 , pp.95-122 , 2008 .
108 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে কৃষি-ভূমি-জলা সংস্কার–উন্নয়নে যার বিকল্প নেই (Agriculture-Land-Aquarian Reforms in Bangladesh-Which has no Alternative in Development)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.24 , no.1 & 2 , pp.237-279 , 2008 .
109 Takashi Uemura , Lopamudra Malek , Sabina Yeasmin : Rehabilitation Medicine and It’s Education System in Bangladesh, Annual Reports of Faculty of Rehabilitation Shijonawate Gakuen University (impact factor:Condition of Physio Therapy in Bangladesh) , vol.04 , no.2008 , pp.81-87 , 2008 .
110 Abul Barkat : টেংরা টিলার গ্যাস বিষ্ফোরণ: অর্থনৈতিক, সামাজিক, রাজনৈতিক অভিঘাত প্রসঙ্গে (Gas Explosion of Tengra Tila: In Context of Economic, Social and Political Impact)., Bangladesh Economic Association Samoyikee , vol.2 , pp.607-610 , 2007 .
111 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে আর্থিক খাত সংস্কার (Financial Sector Reforms in Bangladesh)., Bangladesh Ecomomic Association Samoyikee , vol.1 , pp.369-371 , 2007 .
112 Jamaluddin Ahmed and Abul Barkat : From Cash to Accrual Basis Reforming Government Accounting in Bangladesh., Bangladesh Ecomomic Association Samoyikee , vol.1 , pp.277-353 , 2007 .
113 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে মৌলবাদের অর্থনীতি (Economics of Fundamentalism in Bangladesh)., সমাজ-অর্থনীতি-রাষ্ট্র জার্নাল (Society, Economy and State Journal) , vol.3 , 2006 .
114 Abul Barkat : Economics of Fundamentalism and Growth of Political Islam in Bangladesh., Social Science Review , vol.23 , no.2 , pp.1-32 , 2006 .
115 Abul Barkat and Palash Kanti Das : Agriculture within Globalization and WTO: Political-Economic Issues of Bangladesh Agriculture., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.22 , no.1 & 2 , pp.43-62 , 2005 .
116 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে কৃষি-ভূমি-জলা সংস্কার: দুর্বৃত্তবেষ্টিত কাঠামোতে সবচে অমীমাংসিত রাজনৈতিক-অর্থনৈতিক বিষয় (Agriculture-Land-Aquarian Reforms in Bangladesh: The most unresolved politico-economic issue within a structure infested by criminals)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.22 , no.1 & 2 , pp.185-212 , 2005 .
117 Abul Barkat : Political Economy of Investment Climate in Bangladesh: When Structure Impedes Progress., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.22 , no.1 & 2 , pp.287-309 , 2005 .
118 Abul Barkat and Murtaza Majid : Rural Electricity’s Impact on Reduction of Health Poverty in Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.22 , no.1 & 2 , pp.239-260 , 2005 .
119 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে যুব-দারিদ্র: বর্তমান ও ভবিষ্যত (Youth Poverty in Bangladesh: Present and Future)., ভূমি জার্নাল , vol.10 , no.6 , pp.9-31 , 2005 .
120 Abul Barkat and Reshmaan Hussam : Peasant Psychology and Experimental Economics: Analyzing Trust and Reciprocity in Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.21 , no.2 , pp.1-20 , 2004 .
121 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশের রাজনৈতিক-অর্থনৈতিক চালচিত্র: কোথায় যেতে হবে, কোথায় যাচ্ছি? (Political-economic Scenario of Bangladesh: Where to Go, Where are We Going)., Bangladesh Economic Association Samoyikee, December 2004, pp.3-38 , pp.3-38 , 2004 .
122 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশের বাজেট: দুর্বৃত্তায়নের ফাঁদে জনকল্যাণবিমুখ দলিল (The National Budget of Bangladesh: A Non-welfare Document in a Criminalized Structure)., Bangladesh Economic Association Samoyikee , pp.211-223 , 2004 .
123 Abul Barkat : Rural Electrification and Poverty Reduction: The Case of Bangladesh., Social Science Review , vol.21 , no.1 , pp.21-64 , 2004 .
124 Abul Barkat : বিশ্বায়িত পৃথিবীতে বাংলাদেশ (Bangladesh in a Globalised World)., Bangladesh Economic Association Samoyikee , pp.483-486 , 2004 .
125 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে দারিদ্র্য উচ্ছেদ ও দারিদ্র্য হ্রাস: উদ্বেগের বিষয় (Poverty Eradication and Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh: An Issue of Deep Concern)., Bangladesh Economic Association Samoyikee , pp.101-109 , 2004 .
126 Abul Barkat : ইরাকের বিরুদ্ধে মার্কিন-ব্রিটিশ যুদ্ধ ও বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতি: ঘুুরে দাঁড়ানোর এইই সুযোগ (American-British War Against Iraq and Economy of Bangladesh: The Time to Turn About)., Bangladesh Economic Association Samoyikee , pp.63-67 , 2004 .
127 Abul Barkat : পেঁয়াজ ও দুর্বৃত্তায়িত অর্থনীতি: অর্থনীতিবিদদের সামাজিক দায়বদ্ধতা (Onion and Criminalized Economy- Social Responsiveness of Economists)., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.18 , no.1 , pp.1-6 , 2003 .
128 Abul Barkat : Ending Poverty by Electricity., Energy and Power , vol.1 , no.3 , pp.25-29 , 2003 .
129 Abul Barkat : আদমজী পাটকলের বিলুপ্তি এবং বাংলাদেশে শিল্পায়নের ভবিষ্যৎ (Closure of Adamjee Jute Mill and Future of Industrialization in Bangladesh)., নতুন দিগন্ত (Natun Diganta). , vol.1st year , no.3 , pp.159-174 , 2003 .
130 Abul Barkat and Subhash Kumar Sengupta : On Economic Thoughts of Kenneth J. Arrow. Some Paradoxes of Sustainability: Empirical and Theoretical., Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Bangladesh , vol.38 , no.11 , pp.129-132 , 2002 .
131 Abul Barkat : Agricultural Mode of Production in Bangladesh: An Alternative Proposal for Objective Analysis., Journal for Development and Research Activities , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.8-31 , 2002 .
132 MM Chowdhury and Abul Barkat : Resource Mobilisation in Bangladesh: An Unfinished Agenda of Structural Reform., Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accounts in Bangladesh , vol.37 , no.10 , pp.14-30 , 2002 .
133 Abul Barkat and AKM Maksud : Fate of Bangladesh Agriculture Amidst Globalization: Some Critical Issues., Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.XVI , no.1 , pp.257-277 , 2002 .
134 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে বৈদেশিক ঋণ ও সাহায্য কতখানি প্রয়োজন: গত তিন দশকের অভিজ্ঞতার পলিটিক্যাল ইকনমি (How much Foreign Aid Does Bangladesh Really Need: Political Economy of Experiences of Last Three Decades)., Bangladesh Economic Association Samoyikee , pp.113-138 , 2002 .
135 Abul Barkat and Shafique uz Zaman : Khas Land in Bangladesh: The Nature of Adverse Inclusion of the Excluded and Doables., Land Journal, ALRD , vol.9 , no.6 , pp.22-42 , 2002 .
136 Muinul Islam and Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশের বাজেটে অনুৎপাদনশীল খাতসমূহের রাজস্ব ব্যয় বনাম মানব উন্নয়ন: একটি ধারণাপত্র (Revenue Expenditure of Unproductive Sectors versus Human Development in the Budget of Bangladesh: A Concept Note)., Bangladesh Economic Association Samoyikee , pp.83-111 , 2002 .
137 Abul Barkat and S. Akhter : A Mushrooming Population: The Threat of Slumization Instead of Urbanization in Bangladesh., The Harvard Asia Pacific Review , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.27-30 , 2001 .
138 Abul Barkat : Poverty among Youth Population in Bangladesh: Nature, Extent and Poverty Alleviation Possibilities., Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika (Dhaka University Journal) , vol.66 , pp.39-58 , 2000 .
139 Abul Barkat : Distribution and Retention of Khas Land in Bangladesh., Land Journal, ALRD , vol.7 , no.5 , 2000 .
140 SC. Jain, Abul Barkat, K. Lundeen, AJ. Faisel, T. Ahmed and MS. Islam : Improving Family Planning Program Performance Through Management Training: The 3Cs Paradigm., Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.1-25 , 1999 .
141 Abul Barkat and M. Rahman : Public Sector Intervention as a Means to Promote Female Secondary Education in Bangladesh: Some Cost-Subsidy Strategies., Asian Profile , vol.26 , no.1 , pp.49-68 , 1998 .
142 Abul Barkat, M. Rahman and Manik Lal Boss : Factors Influencing Family Planning Choice among Urban Slum Dwellers in Bangladesh: A Non-Parametric Analysis., Social Science Review , vol.XIV , no.1 , pp.315-328 , 1997 .
143 Abul Barkat, Rafiquzzaman, AKM Maksud and D. Chao : Bangladesh Family Planning Program: Towards a New Strategic Direction., SAARC Population Bulletin , 1997 .
144 Abul Barkat and Shafique uz Zaman : Vested Property Act: Towards a Feasible Solution., Land Journal, ALRD , vol.3 , no.3 , pp.28-60 , 1997 .
145 Abul Barkat, Matiur Rahman, Manik Lal Bose and Shahida Akhter : Modelling the First Two Delays of the “Three Delays Model” for Emergency Obstetric Care in Bangladesh: A Choice Model Approach., Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.57-67 , 1997 .
146 Abul Barkat, M. Rahman and Manik Lal Bose : Family Planning Choice Behaviour in Urban Slums of Bangladesh: An Econometric Approach., Asia-Pacific Population Journal , vol.12 , no.1 , pp.17-32 , 1997 .
147 Abul Barkat and Paul Fishstein : Sustainability of Family Planning Association: Concepts, Dimensions, Measures., The Journal of Social Development , vol.12 , no.1 , pp.42-68 , 1997 .
148 Abul Barkat and Shafique uz Zaman : Impact of Vested Property Act in Rural Bangladesh: An Exploratory Treatise., Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika (Dhaka University studies) , vol.56-58 , pp.79-101 , 1997 .
149 Abul Barkat and Selim Raihan : Population Growth and Poverty: Reexamination of Relationships., Social Science Review , vol.XIII , no.2 , pp.175-198 , 1996 .
150 Abul Barkat, Barkat-e-Khuda and M. Rahman : Oral Pill Gap in Bangladesh: Measurement and Implications., Social Science Review , vol.XIII , no.2 , pp.265-284 , 1996 .
151 W. Parker Mauldin, John A. Ross, John Kekovole, Barkat-e-Khuda and Abul Barkat : Direct and Judgemental Measures of Family Planning Program Inputs., Studies in Family Planning , vol.26 , no.5 , pp.287-295 , 1995 .
152 Abul Barkat and M. Rahman : An Analysis of the Cost subsidy Alternatives for Promotion of Female Secondary Education in Bangladesh., Social Science Review , vol.XI , no.1 , pp.73-102 , 1994 .
153 Abul Barkat : Transforming Human Deprivation into Human Development in Bangladesh: GO NGO Dimensions., Asian Profile , vol.22 , no.4 , pp.327-350 , 1994 .
154 Abul Barkat and Barkat-e-Khuda : Management System and Managerial Functions: A Conceptual Guideline for Understanding of Primary Heath Care Programe., Journal of Business Administration , vol.19 , no.3 & 4 , pp.111-137 , 1993 .
155 Abul Barkat and Barkat-e-Khuda : Cost effectiveness Analysis of Primary Health Care Programmes: Some Methodological Considerations., Social Science Review , vol.IX , no.1 , pp.17-38 , 1992 .
156 Abul Barkat : The Context of Black Economy and its Measurement., Monthly Bank Insurance Industry Digest , vol.1 , no.5 , pp.3-38 , 1992 .
157 Barkat-e-Khuda and Abul Barkat : Growth and Structure of Labor Force in Bangladesh., Journal of Business Studies , vol.13 , no.1 , pp.141-160 , 1992 .
158 Abul Barkat : কালো অর্থনীতি ও কালো অর্থ-উদ্ভবের শর্ত, বিস্ততি পরিমাপের অভিজ্ঞতা ও বাংলাদেশে তার পরিমাপ (Black Economy and Black Money Conditions for Emergence and Measurement of its Extent in Bangladesh Economy)., Journal of Politics and Economics (Rajniti Orthoniti Journal) , vol.1 , pp.30-53 , 1991 .
159 Abul Barkat and A. Hashem : Planned and Balanced Development of Socialist Economy: Western Political Economy and Reality of Socialism., Social Science Review , vol.VII , no.1 , pp.28-53 , 1990 .
160 Abul Barkat : আমেরিকার পুঁজিবাদ বিকাশের ইতিহাস প্রসঙ্গে: একটি মার্কসীয় বিশ্লেষণ (Historical Context of the Rise of Capitalism in USA: A Marxian Analysis)., Dhaka Viswabiddiyalay Patrika , vol.37 , pp.1-20 , 1990 .
161 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশে নিকৃষ্ট-অনুৎপাদনশীল পুঁজি বিকাশের নিরিখে দ্রব্যমূল্যের রাজনৈতিক-অর্থনীতি (Political Economy of Price hike from the context of worse form of unproductive capital in Bangladesh)., Samaj Nirikkhon Journal (Journal of Social Observations) , vol.37 , pp.1-19 , 1990 .
162 Abul Barkat and MK. Hossain : An Analysis into the Demographic Processes in the Different Socio economic Formations., Samaj Nirikhan Journal (Journal of Social Observations) , vol.33 , pp.1-25 , 1989 .
163 Abul Barkat and S. Huda : Politico-economic Essence of Ethnic Conflicts in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh., Social Science Review , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.103-127 , 1988 .
164 Abul Barkat : প্রাক্-পুঁজিবাদী চীনে আর্থসামাজিক ব্যবস্থা ও এশিয়াটিক উৎপাদন পদ্ধতি (Socio economic System in Pre-capitalist China and Asiatic Mode of Production)., Dhaka Viswabiddiyalay Patrika , vol.27 , pp.111-141 , 1987 .
165 Abul Barkat : ইতিহাসের পদ্ধতিতাত্ত্বিক প্রশ্ন প্রসঙ্গে– একটি মার্কসীয় অবতারণা (Methodology of Historiography: A Marxist Introduction)., Itihas Parishad, Bangladesh History Association , vol.XXI , no.1 & 2 , pp.62-82 , 1987 .
166 Abul Barkat : এশিয়াটিক উৎপাদন পদ্ধতি সম্পর্কে মার্কস ও এঙ্গেলসের ধারণার বিকাশ– একটি মূল্যায়ন (An Enquiry into the Development of Ideas of Marx and Engels on Asiatic Mode of Production)., Dhaka Viswabiddiyalay Patrika , vol.26 , pp.1-32 , 1986 .
167 Abul Barkat : মার্কসীয়, অমার্কসীয় অর্থনীতি চিন্তা– শ্রেণিস্বার্থ ও বাস্তব তথ্য (Marxist and Non Marxist Economic Thoughts– Class Interests and Realities)., Dhaka Viswabiddiyalay Patrika , vol.24 , pp.64-111 , 1986 .
168 Abul Barkat : এশিয়াটিক উৎপাদন পদ্ধতি– সোভিয়েত প্রাচ্য গবেষণার দুই পর্ব (Asiatic Mode of Production– the Essence of the Debate in USSR Oriental Studies)., Dhaka Viswabiddiyalay Patrika , vol.22 , pp.54-75 , 1985 .
169 Abul Barkat : বাংলাদেশের উৎপাদন পদ্ধতি: বিতর্ক, পদ্ধতিগত সমস্যা ও সমাধান (Mode of Production in Bangladesh: Methodological Controversies Revisited)., Society, Economy, & State , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.63-130 , 1984 .
170 Abul Barkat : Politico economic Methodology for the Study of Agrarian Development of the Developing Countries., All Union Institute of Social Information. USSR. , 1981 .
171 ড. লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : বিলুপ্ত হাতে লেখা পত্রিকা প্রভাত: সাময়িকপত্রের ইতিহাসে বাংলায় হাতে লেখা পত্রিকার একটি পর্যালোচনা, সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ^বিদ্যালয় স্টাডিজ, পার্ট-ডি , vol.১৩ , no.১৩ , pp.৩৭-৪৮ , ডিসেম্বর ২০১৯ .
172 Munira Sultana and Nashia Zaman : Potentiality of Japanese 5S Methodology in Bangladesh: A Management Approach for Continuous Improvement, The Cost and Management. Bi-monthly Journal of the ICMAB. , vol.XLVII , no.5 , pp.23-31 , (September-October) 2019 .
173 Akon, M. S., & Sharmin, D. : Prospects and Challenges in Developing Japanese Studies’ Program in Bangladesh: Lessons from the University of Dhaka, The International Journal of East Asian Studies , no.10(2) WILAYAH , pp.44-57 , 2021 .
174 Alam, Md Jahangir : Influence of Play-based Learning in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Bangladesh: Lessons from Japan, Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education (impact factor:0.34) , vol.16 , no.2 The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association , pp.203-229 , 2022 .
175 Nashia Zaman : Non-Communicable Diseases in Bangladesh: Assessment of Potentialities of Community Clinics and Non-Communicable Disease Specialised Clinics, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.37 , no.1 Bangladesh Economic Association , pp.87-106 , 2021 .
176 Md. Saifullah Akon and Shiblee Noman : Japan-ASEAN Security Relations: Challenges for the 21st Century, Journal of Politics and Administration , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.251-260 , December, 2019 .
177 ড: লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : বেনজাইতেন ও সরস্বতী : ইন্দো-জাপান সমন্বয়ধর্মী সংস্কৃতির স্বরূপ অন্বেষণ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , vol.১০১ রেজিষ্ট্রার , ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , pp.১২৩-১৪৮ , 2020 .
178 Alam, M. J. : ‘Meritocracy’ to ‘Parentocracy’: (De)constructing the Theoretical Dilemma in Basic Education of Japan and Bangladesh, The Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.1 , no.1 , 2022 .
179 Alam, M. J. : Book Review of Akihiro Ogawa and Philip Seaton (Eds.), New Frontiers in Japanese Studies, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.1 , no.1 , 2022 .
180 Parvin, N., Alam, M. J. : Empowerment of Women to alleviate Poverty through Education in Bangladesh, Journal of Governance and Innovation , vol.2 , no.2 , pp.49-60 , 2016 .
181 Shiblee Noman and Sheikh Rashid Bin Islam : Bangladesh's Learning from Corporate Governance in Japan, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.1 , no.1 Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka , pp.135-156 , 2022 .
182 Md. Saifullah Akon, Debasish Nandy and Alik Naha : Japan's Shifting Foreign Policy to South Asia: Issues and Challenges, Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.1 , no.1 Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka , pp.223-248 , 2022 .
183 Nashia Zaman : Emphasising Selected Macroeconomic Indicators to Revive Japanese Economic Growth from Post-COVID-19 Shock, Journal of Japanese Studies- Exploring Multidisciplinarity , vol.1 , no.1 Department of Japanese Studies , pp.59-74 , 2022 .
184 Nashia Zaman : Historic pattern of modern Japanese economy: Focusing on export promotion policies in post-World War II era., Social Science Review. , vol.36 , no.1 , pp.117-128 , June 2019 .
185 Mohammad Iftekher Hosssain and Nashia Zaman : Benefit-Cost Ratio of Screening Diabetes through Community Clinics in Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.35 , no.1 , pp.1-12 , June 2018 .
186 Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah and Nashia Zaman : Addressing NEET issue in Bangladesh: Lessons Learned from Japan, Journal of Sociology , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.35-50 , June 2018 .
187 Shiblee Noman and Taskia Haq Lyric : Representative Government by Phases as Colonial Legacy: A Case Study of British India (1861-1935), Perspectives in Social Sciences , vol.1 , no.15 Centre for Advanced Research in Social Sciences , pp.53-78 , 2019 .
188 Dr. Lopamudra Malek : Reflection of Early 20th Century's Japanese Society and Culture: Perspective of Bengali Women, Journal of Japanese Studies Exploring Multidisciplinary , vol.1 , no.1 Department of Japanese Studies , pp.475-500 , 2022 .
189 Dilruba Sharmin, Dr. Fumio Okada : Contribution of the Polished Thin-section Method for Investigate the Surface Coating Technology of Archaeological Pottery’, Journal of Bengal Art, The International Centre for Study of Bengal Art (ICSBA), , vol.Vol.17 , Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012. .
190 Dilruba Sharmin, Fumio Okada, : ‘Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Excavated Wooden Artifacts of Japan’,, Global Journal of Quantitative Science , vol.Vol. 1. , no.No.3. , pp.Pp 9-15. , September 2014 Issue .
191 Shishir Reza, Dr. Dilruba Sharmin : ‘A Comparative Study on the Environmental Management Strategies in Japan and Bangladesh, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.Volume-33 , , Number-2, December 2016, .
192 লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : সিদ্ধম লিপির ইতিবৃত্ত, আধুনিক ভাষা ইনষ্টিটিউট পত্রিকা (impact factor:প্রাচীন জাপানি এবং বাংলার সাংস্কৃতিক সাদৃশ্য) , vol.২৩ , no.ফেব্রুয়ারি , ২০১২ , pp.১৯৩- ২০৫ , ২০১২ .
193 Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Shiblee Noman, Samimuzzaman and Shamsunnahar : Future of Japan-South Asia Renewed Relationship in Emerging Chinese Influence, Journal of Governance, Security & Development , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.1-35 , 2021 .
194 Abdullah-Al-Mamun and Shamsunnahar : Post-COVID-19 Japan & Social Shocks., Journal of Japanese Studies: Exploring Multidisciplinary , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.39-58 , 2022 .
195 লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের সময় বাংলায় জাপানি আক্রমণ ও সমকালীন রাজনীতি, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , ২০১৬ .
196 লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : জাপানে নারীর ক্ষমতায়ন : একটি পর্যালোচনা, , ২০১৭ .
197 লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : উনিশ শতকের শেষার্ধে এবং বিংশ শতকের প্রথমার্ধে বাংগালির চোখে জাপানি নারী, , ২০১৭ .
198 লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : জাপানি কাব্যসাহিত্যের বিকাশধারা ও বাংলায় অনুবাদের কপিতয় নিদর্শন, বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি পত্রিকা , ২০১৮ .
199 Md. Saifullah Akon and Dr. Dilruba Sharmin : Prospects and Challenges in Developing ‘Japanese Studies’ Program in Bangladesh: Lessons from University Of Dhaka, WILAYAH: The International Journal of East Asian Studies , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.44-57 , 2021 .
200 ড. লোপামুদ্রা মালেক : জাপানি হাইকু কাব্যের পুরোধা মাৎসুও বাশো: একটি পর্যালোচনা, কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ^বিদ্যালয় , vol.১০ , no.জুলাই ২০১৮-জুন ২০২০ , pp.১৬৭-১৮১ , ২০২০ .
201 Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Shiblee Noman, Shamimuzzaman and Shamsunnahar : Future of Japan-South Asia Renewed Relationship in Emerging Chinese Influence, Journal of Governance, Security & Development , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.1-35 , 2021 .
202 আব্দুল্লাহ্‌-আল-মামুন : জাপানের মেইজি শাসনামলের রাজনৈতিক দর্শন, ইতিহাস , vol.৪৮ , pp.৭৫-৯০ , ২০১৫ .
203 ড. নাজমুল আহসান কলিমউল্লাহ, আব্দুল্লাহ্‌-আল-মামুন and এম. এম. আসাদুজ্জামান নুর : জাপানের স্থানীয় সরকারের আর্থিক ব্যবস্থাপনা, The Journal of Local Government , vol.৩৯ , no.২ , pp.১-১৮ , ২০১৪ .
204 আব্দুল্লাহ্‌-আল-মামুন : দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার সাম্প্রতিক ভূ-রাজনৈতিক বাস্তবতা এবং জাপান-বাংলাদেশ সম্পর্ক, ইতিহাস , vol.৫১ , pp.১৩৭-১৫৯ , ২০১৮ .
205 ড. নাজমুল আহসান কলিমউল্লাহ and আব্দুল্লাহ্‌-আল-মামুন : জাপানের স্থানীয় সরকার ব্যবস্থা, The Journal of Local Government , vol.৩৮ , no.২ , pp.৮৩-১০৪ , ২০১৩ .
206 Md. Saifullah Akon, Mahfujur Rahman and Afnan Nur Bhuiyan : Japan’s Economic Cooperation with Bangladesh: An Appraisal, Social Science Review The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.36 , no.2 , pp.215-232 , December, 2019 .
207 Dr. Lopamudra Malek and Md. Saifullah Akon : Kinship in Contemporary Japanese Society: An Overview, Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.37 , no.2 , pp.105-124 , December, 2020 .
Conference Proceedings (308)
1 Dr.Lopamudra Malek and Dr.Lopamudra Malek "Syncretistic Tradition in Japan – Bengal Relation: An Overview." 'Indo-Japanese Relationship: Traditional and Present Scenario' , pp. 14. Kolkata: 2024 .
2 Banna, F. Y. "Eco-cities in Japan: Case of Kitakyushu City." Young Scholars Conference on 'Changing Profile of Japanese Studies in South Asia: Through Lenses of Young Scholars' Delhi, India: 2024 .
3 Shiblee Noman "Role of Japan in Constructing Bay of Bengal Community." Changing Profile of Japanese Studies in South Asia: Through the Lenses of Young Scholars , pp. 27. New Delhi: School of International Studies, East Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University; JSASA, 2024 .
4 Banna, F. Y. "The Pattern of Religion in Japanese Society." Third Young Scholars’ Seminar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India 2024 .
5 Shiblee Noman "Transferring Japanese Management System to Bangladesh through Subsidiaries." Calibrating Regional Footprint and Exploring New Dimensions of Japanese Studies in India and South Asia New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2023 .
6 Banna, F. Y. "Prospects and Challenges of Japanese FDI in Bangladesh." 2nd INTERNATIONAL HYBRID-CONFERENCE ON JAPANOLOGY IN NEW ERA, Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2023 .
7 Shiblee Noman "Could Womenomics Empower Japanese Women?." 2nd International Conference on Japanology in New Era , pp. 16. Dhaka: Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka, 2023 .
8 Nashia Zaman and Dr. Jean-Baptiste Mohamadou Bassirou Sanfo "Forecasting Japan-Bangladesh bilateral trade: Focusing on Import by Bangladesh." 2nd International Hybrid Conference on Japanology in new era 2023 .
9 Banna, F. Y. and Sourav, A. K. "Inter-generational Conflict in Post COVID Japan." 1st International E-Conference on Japanology in New Era, Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2022 .
10 Md. Saifullah Akon and Narut Charoensri "South and Southeast Asian Perceptions of Japan’s Strategic Rise for a Balanced Indo-Pacific: A Cross-National Case Study on Bangladesh and Thailand." International Hybrid Conference on Post-COVID Japan: Economy, Politics, Society, Culture and Literature Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2022 .
11 Md. Saifullah Akon "Consolidating Japan-South Asia Relations: The Role of ‘Japanese Studies’ Program." International Seminar on Japanese Studies in India and South Asia: A New Integration New Delhi, India: 2022 .
12 Md. Saifullah Akon and Iffat Anjum "The Geopolitics of Vaccine Diplomacy: Navigating Sino-Japanese Competition in Southeast Asia." 7th JSA-ASEAN International Conference Philippine: 2021 .
13 Shiblee Noman "Diffusion of Corporate Governance in Japan: What Bangladesh Can Learn." Japanology in New Era Dhaka: Department of Japanese Studies, 2021 .
14 Alam, Md Jahangir "Skill(s) Development Pathways, Challenges, and Strategies to Approach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh: Lessons from Japan." International eConference on Japanology in New Era Dhaka: Department of Japanese Studies, 2021 .
15 Md. Saifullah Akon and Afnan Nur Bhuiyan "Re-thinking Sino-Japanese relationship for greater East Asian security in the 21st century."  International Conference on 100 Years of International Relations Kolkata: 2019 .
16 Md Jahangir Alam "The Role of Parental Aspiration in Early Childhood Education (ECE) Enrollment: A Case Study of Bangladesh.." The 2019 Joint International Conference of Japan Society for International Development (JASID) & Japan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS) Tokyo: JASID, 2019 .
17 Md Jahangir Alam "Parental Aspiration for School Choice and Enrollment in Early Childhood Education (ECE): The Case of Bangladesh." The Japan Society for International Development (JASID) 20th Spring Conference Rikuzentakata, Iwate, Japan: The Japan Society for International Development (JASID), 2019 .
18 Md Jahangir Alam "Parental Aspiration for Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Bangladesh." 63rd Annual Conference of The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) San Francisco, USA.: The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 2019 .
19 Lamia Islam and Shiblee Noman "China-Myanmar Relations and Their Impacts on Rohingya Refugee Crisis: An Analytical and Prescriptive Study." International Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions Dhaka: UNHCR and North South University, 2019 .
20 Abdullah-Al-Mamun "Contribution of Japanese Companies Towards Promoting Japanese Culture in Bangladesh." New Delhi, India: 2019 .
21 Md. Saifullah Akon and Mahfujur Rahman "Geopolitical Economy beyond Ethnicity: Role of Great Powers in Rohingya Crisis." International Conference on Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions Dhaka: 2019 .
22 Abul Barkat "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh.." Annual Workshop 2019. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 08 February,, 2019 .
23 Dr. Lopamudra Malek "Reflection of Japanese Culture in the Book 'Japane Bongonari' written by 'Saroj Nalini Dutta' , in 1928." 7th Indo - Japan International Conference on Comparative Cultural Studies at the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India 2019 .
24 Abul Barkat "Framing a Research Question.." Research Methodoogy Workshop. Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (ASB). 1st March,, 2019 .
25 Md Jahangir Alam "Drawbacks of Parental Aspiration for Enrollment in Early Childhood Education (ECE): A Case Study of Rajshashi, Bangladesh." International Education Development Forum (IEDF), Annual Conference , pp. November 14-15,. Tokyo: Waseda University, Japan, 2019 .
26 3. Alam, M. J. & Kexin, W. Nelson, M. "Who Owns our Waters? Innovative Finance and Public Awareness on Water Conservation, Utilization and Production in Dhaka, Bangladesh." Youth Innovation Competition on Global Governance (YICGG) , pp. July 14-18. Jakarta, Indonesia: Fudan University and UNDP China, 2019 .
27 Md Jahangir Alam "Aspiration of School Choice and Enrollment for Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Rural Bangladesh." The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) , pp. April 15, 2019 (Poster). San Francisco, USA: The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 2019 .
28 Md. Saifullah Akon and Mahfujur Rahman "Race for Deep Sea Port in Bangladesh: Politics in the Bay of Bengal."  Regional Conference on Maritime Issues in the Bay of Bengal Region Dhaka: 2019 .
29 Abul Barkat "Migration Governance Framework for Bangladesh.." National Task Force Meeting, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Bangladesh: Sustainable Reintegration and Improved Migration Governance Project (PROTTASHA), IOM–Bangladesh Mission, 2018 .
30 Md Jahangir Alam "Parental Aspiration for Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Bangladesh." The Japan Society for International Development (JASID), 29th Annual Conference University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Campus, Japan: The Japan Society for International Development (JASID), 2018 .
31 Abdullah-Al-Mamun "Contribution of Japanese Companies in Promoting Japanese Business Culture in Bangladesh." AAS-in-Asia Conference - Asia in Motion: Geographies and Genealogies New Delhi, India: 2018 .
32 Dr. Lopamudra Malek "Representation of Women in Endo Shusaku's Novel'Fukai Gawa'." 6th JSA ASEAN Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia. 2018 .
33 Abul Barkat "বঙ্গবন্ধু ‘বেঁচে থাকলে’ বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতি ও সমাজ কতদূর যেতো? (How far Bangladesh’s economy and society would have advanced had Bangabandhu been alive?).." Seminar. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association. 12 August,, 2018 .
34 Abul Barkat "Partition of Bengal 1947: In search of a politico-economic understanding.." 1st International Conference on Partition Politics: Impacts on Society, Economy, Culture and Indo-Bangla Relations (1947-2018). Dhaka: Jana-Itihas Charcha Kendra & Research and Development Collective (RDC). 11 August,, 2018 .
35 Abul Barkat "Made in japan” Development: A Politico-Economic Treatise.." Dhaka: Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka. 17 July,, 2018 .
36 Md. Saifullah Akon and Shiblee Noman "Rethinking Japan-ASEAN Security Relation in the 21st Century." 6th JSA ASEAN Conference Jakarta, Indonesia: 2018 .
37 Md Jahangir Alam "Parental Aspiration for Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Bangladesh." International Education Development Forum (IEDF), Annual Conference , pp. November 16-17. Kobe, Japan: GSICS, Kobe University, 2018 .
38 Abul Barkat "Climate Change in Bangladesh: Impact and Challenges on Partner’s Project works.." Annual Workshop 2018. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 02 February,, 2018 .
39 Md Jahangir Alam "Socio-Economic Motivation for Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Bangladesh." The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) , pp. March 25-29, 2018,. Mexico City, Mexico: The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 2018 .
40 Dr. Dilruba Sharmin "Technological Interpretation of Archaeological Materials: Based on thin-section petrography learned from Japan." 31st Annual Conference of Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (JASAS) Kanazawa, Japan: 2018 .
41 Dr. Dilruba Sharmin "Clay Pots, Culture and Heritage "; Paper Title: “Uncover the Technique of Traditional Pottery Making: by using Japanese Method." Asia in Motion: Geographies and Genealogies, AAS-in-Asia Conference, 2018 New Delhi New Delhi, India: 2018 .
42 Md. Saifullah Akon and Shiblee Noman "Rethinking Japan-ASEAN Security Relations in the 21st Century." 6th JSA ASEAN Conference 2018: Global Dynamics Impacts to Japan-ASEAN Relations Jakarta: 2018 .
43 Abul Barkat "Bangladesh: National Strategy and Action Plan on Migration and Development and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.." Divisional consultation meetings chaired by Divisional Commissioners of Barisal, Khulna, Chattogram, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, and Sylhet. Barisal, Khulna, Chattogram, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, and Sylhet: Human Development Research Center supported by International Organization for Migration (IOM)–Bangladesh Mission, 2017 .
44 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Religion-based Extremism in Bangladesh: When in a Unitarian Imperialism External Causes Override Internal Causes.." XVII World Congress , pp. 1-48. Mexico: International Economic Association (IEA). 19-23 June,, 2017 .
45 Abul Barkat "Strategic Planning of Organization for Future Development Cooperation.." Annual Workshop 2017. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 27 January,, 2017 .
46 Md Jahangir Alam "Financing for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Bangladesh." The Japan Society for International Development (JASID) 18th Spring Conference , pp. June 03. Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan: The Japan Society for International Development (JASID), 2017 .
47 Md Jahangir Alam "Financing for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Bangladesh." The 19th Africa Educational Research Forum , pp. April 14-15. Osaka University, Suita Campus, Japan: Africa Educational Research Forum (AERF), 2017 .
48 Dr. Dilruba Sharmin "Intangible cultural heritage: living memorial of Bangladeshi people." 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Chiang Mai International Convention and Exhibition Center, Thailand Chiang Mai, Thailand: 2017 .
49 Md. Saifullah Akon and Muhammad Al-Amin "When to ‘call a genocide a genocide?’: Myanmar a case-in-point."  International Conference on Genocide and Mass Violence Dhaka: 2017 .
50 Abul Barkat "Genomic medicine and health care for the next generation: Iconoclastic view of an economist.." British-Bangla International Conference. Dhaka: NHS (UK), Barisal Biotechnology and BIRDEM. 04 June,, 2016 .
51 Abul Barkat "A Contribution to the Critic of Political Economy of Fundamentalism.." Fundamentalism, Imperialism and Women's resistance in South Asia. Dhaka: Banglar Pathshala Foundation. 11 March,, 2016 .
52 Abul Barkat "Existing Challenges and the Way Forward for Energy Cooperation in South Asia: Perspective from Energy Expert.." Energy Law and Policy Reforms in South Asia. Kathmandu: 13th SAARCLAW and 10th Chief Justice's. 06 March,, 2016 .
53 Abul Barkat "SKILLS for Successful Project Implemention and Organization Development: A Way to Sustainable Transformation of Human Deprivation into Humane Development.." Annual Workshop 2015. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 04 March,, 2016 .
54 Abul Barkat "INFLUENCING STRATEGY for Gendered-Enterprise Market focusing Women’s Dairy Entrepreneurs in Rural Bangladesh. Presentation of Research Findings and Position Papers: ‘Access to Finance’, ‘Access to Extension Service’, ‘Inclusive Sourcing & Responsible Business’, and ‘Care Work’ Prepared Aiming Development of Women’s Dairy Entrepreneurship in Rural Bangladesh within the Framework of Enterprise Development Programme (EDP) in the Lens of Gendered Enterprise Market (GEM).." National Workshop. Dhaka: Oxfam GB, 2016 .
55 Abul Barkat "Thematic Researches on Migration Issues.." National Project Board Meeting. Dhaka: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2016 .
56 Abul Barkat "Thematic Research on Migration and Development: Social Protection and Right, Environment Climate Change and Disaster management, Work Workplace and Skill Mismatch, and Financial and Social Cost.." National Seminar on "Study Findings Dissemination". Dhaka: International Organization for Migration (IOM)–Bangladesh Mission, 2016 .
57 Abdullah-Al-Mamun "Japan-South Asia Renewed Relationship: Future Under Emerging Chinese Influence." 5th Bi-Annual International Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Southeast Asia (JSA-ASEAN) Cebu, Philippines: 2016 .
58 Abdullah-Al-Mamun and G. Tthrippleton "Wind of Change- the Partnership Requires." University of Derby, UK: 2016 .
59 Md. Saifullah Akon and Tanbir Uddin Arman "Curbing Radicalization: The Role of Youths." International Conference on Envisioning Our Common Future Dhaka: 2016 .
60 Abul Barkat "মৌলবাদের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি বিচার-প্রসঙ্গে (A Critique of Political Economy of Fundamentalism).." Third South Asian Conference 2016 on Fundamentalism, Imperialism, and Women's Resistance in South Asia. Dhaka: Banglar Pathshala Foundation. 11-12 March, 2016 .
61 Lopamudra Malek ""A Memoier of Endo Shusaku and reflection of World War II in his literary work ‘Umi to Dokuyaku’"." 5th Annual Conference of JSA ASEAN in Cebu, Philippines. 2016 .
62 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে মৌলবাদ ও মৌলবাদী জঙ্গিত্বের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি (Political Economy of Fundamentalism and Fundamentalist Extremism in Bangladesh).." বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতি সমিতি-চট্টগ্রাম চ্যাপ্টার আঞ্চলিক সেমিনার ২০১৬ "Human Security and Connectivity: Factors for Bangladesh Economic Development" , pp. 1-103. Chittagong: Bangladesh Economic Association, 2016 .
63 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of DISPLACEMENT: Towards understanding the Essence.." 17th Human Rights Summer School of ELCOP, "Human Rights and Displacement". Proshika, Koitta, Manikgonj: Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP). 15 October,, 2016 .
64 Md Jahangir Alam "Budget for quality education in Bangladesh: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." The 17th International Conference on Education and Research (ICER) , pp. October 12-14. Seoul National University, Republic of Korea.: International Conference on Education and Research (ICER), 2016 .
65 Abul Barkat "Study on Agricultural Production Practices in Chittagong Hill Tracts.." Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation. 22 June,, 2016 .
66 Tanbir Uddin Arman and Md. Saifullah Akon "Genocide and Sexual Violence in Darfur: Mapping the Nexus."  International Conference on Genocide and Mass Violence: Theories, Trials, Traumas and Testimonies Dhaka: 2016 .
67 Abul Barkat "Study on the Quality of Familly Planning Services in Vietnam.." Seminar Hanoi, Vietnam: UNFPA Vietnam. 16 June,, 2016 .
68 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Religious Fundamentalism and Terrorism: A Case of Potential Global Catastrophe.." ELCOP 16th Human Rights Summer School “Human Rights and Terrorism”. Proshika, Koitta, Manikgonj: Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP). 28 October,, 2015 .
69 Abul Barkat "A Political Economy Treatise on Religious Fundamentalism and Extremism: A high probability global catastrophe with reference to Bangladesh.." “Countering Religious Extremism in South Asia”. London: The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). 09 September,, 2015 .
70 Abul Barkat "Development Trends of Bangladesh Economy and Society, and Lessons from Japan's Development: A Non-Traditional View.." International Seminar. Tokyo: Japan Foundation, Japan. 07 October,, 2015 .
71 Abul Barkat "নীতি নৈতিকতার নিরিখে অর্থনীতি শাস্ত্রের বিকাশ: ‘দর্শনের দারিদ্র্য’ প্রসঙ্গে (An Inquiry into the Development Trends in Economics by the criteria of ethics and morality).." Poverty of Philosophy Najenda Aziz Trust Public Lecture 2014. Dhaka: Department of Philosophy, Dhaka University. 28 May,, 2015 .
72 Abul Barkat "বিচারহীনতার সংস্কৃতি, সাম্প্রদায়িকতা,মৌলবাদ ও মৌলবাদী জঙ্গিত্বের উত্থান, স্বরূপ, বিস্ততি ও কার্যকারণ সম্পর্ক: সমাধানে সংস্কার নয় প্রয়োজন আমূল পরিবর্তন (A Culture for Injustice, Communalism, Fundamentalism; and Genesis, Causes and Rise of Islamist Militants: The solution involves initiating not reforms; but a needful radical transformative change).." Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association. 11 April,, 2015 .
73 Abul Barkat "Imperialism and Religious Fundamentalism: A Treatise on Political Economy with reference to Bangaldesh.." Combating Fundamentalism and Imperialism in South Asia. Dhaka: Workers Party of Bangaldesh. 29 May,, 2015 .
74 Abul Barkat "Assessment of Bangabandhu in the Light of His Prescribed Model of Development. “If Bangabandhu had been alive, What Stages of Development could the National Economy and Society have Reached.." 19th Biennial Conference “Rethinking the political economy and development”. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association. 8-10 January,, 2015 .
75 Abul Barkat "The Development of Economics and Neo-liberalism: Regarding the Poverty of Philosophy.." 19th Biennial Conference "Rethinking the Political Economy and Development”. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association. 8 January,, 2015 .
76 Abul Barkat "Proposed Tobacco Tax Policy–2015.." Presented at the Consultation Workshop on Proposed Tobacco Tax Policy. Dhaka: Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) and Centre for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK), USA, 2015 .
77 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে মৌলবাদের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি ও জঙ্গিবাদ: মর্মার্থ ও করণীয় (Political Economy of Fundamentalism and associated Extremism in Bangladesh: Essence and Doables).." Keynote paper at National Seminar on " Political Economy of Fundamentalism and Extremism in Bangladesh: Essence and Doables. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association.12 December, 2015 .
78 Md Jahangir Alam "Role of Media and Governance for Bridging Socio-Political Barriers: Japan-Bangladesh perspective." International Conference on Governance and Innovation , pp. 19-20 December. Comilla, Bangladesh.: International Conference on Governance and Innovation, 2015 .
79 Abul Barkat "The Development of Economics and Neo-liberalism: Regarding the Poverty of Philosophy.." The First Biennial Conference of Philosophy Alumni Association. Rajshahi University. 26 September,, 2014 .
80 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে দারিদ্র্য-বৈষম্য-অসমতা: একীভূত রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতির তত্ত্বের সন্ধানে (Poverty - Disparity - Inequality in Bangladesh: In Search of a Unified Political Economy Theory).." Public Lecture 2014. Bangladesh Economic Association. Dhaka Vishwabiddyalay Senate Auditorium, Dhaka. 22 March,, 2014 .
81 Abul Barkat "Dialogue for Peace-A Challenge for Conflict Solving in Our time.." Annual Workshop 2013. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 14 February,, 2014 .
82 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি: কাঠামোগত বিষয়াদি ও উত্তরণ সম্ভাবনা (Political Economy of Bangladesh: Structural Issues and Possibilities to Recover).." Saheed Dr. Shamsuzzoha Memorial Lecture 2014. Rajshahi: Department of Chemistry, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi. 18 February,, 2014 .
83 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে আদিবাসী মানুষের রাজনৈতিক অর্থনীতি (Political Economy of Indigenous People in Bangladesh).." Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Rajshahi University. Rajshahi: Rajshahi University. 17 February,, 2014 .
84 Abul Barkat "The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Taxation in Bangladesh.." Sensitization Session Presented at the Meeting of Members of Parliament (MPs). Dhaka: Bangladesh National Parliament, 2014 .
85 Abul Barkat "Economic power base of Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh: Formation, Evolution, and Strength.." Round Table Conference on Bangladesh: Prospects of Democratic Consolidation. India International Centre, New Delhi: The Society for Policy Studies. 07 November,, 2013 .
86 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে সুশাসন প্রতিষ্ঠায় অর্থনৈতিক চ্যালেঞ্জ (Economic Challenges in Establishing Good Governance in Bangladesh).." Academic Conference 2013 on Political and Economic Challenges in Establishing Good Governance in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Political Science Association. Dhaka University. 21 September,, 2013 .
87 Abul Barkat "Improving the Targeting Effectiveness of Social Safety Nets in Bangladesh.." Research to Inform Food and Nutrition Security Policies. Dhaka: NFPCSP, Govt of Bangladesh, USAID, EU and FAO. 03 July,, 2013 .
88 Abul Barkat "Relevant International Migration and Economic Development Issues in Bangladesh. ‘Skilling the workforce: Labour migration and skills recognition and certification in Bangladesh’, ‘The Cost: Causes of and potential redress for high recruitment and recruitment and migration costs in Bangladesh’, ‘Gender and migration from Bangladesh’, ‘Reinforcing Ties: Enhancing contributions form Bangladeshi diaspora members’, and ‘In the corridor of remittance’.." Presented at the Consultation Workshop for Research on Labour Migration. Dhaka: ILO Country Office for Bangladesh, 2013 .
89 Abul Barkat "Policy Options for Reduction in Negative Externalities including Underground Economy.." UNCTAD 2013 Public Symposium, New Economic Approaches for a Coherent Post-2015 Palais des Nations. Geneva: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Friedrich Ebert Foundation). 24-25 June,, 2013 .
90 Abul Barkat "Will the BRICS Development Bank Change the Financial World?.." UNCTAD 2013 Public Symposium, New Economic Approaches for a Coherent Post-2015 Palais des Nations. Geneva: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Friedrich Ebert Foundation). 24-25 June,, 2013 .
91 Abul Barkat "Inclusion of Excluded: As Post-2015 Development Agenda.." ESCAP/ADB/UNDP Sub-regional Workshop on accelerated achievement of MDGs and the Post-2015. Development Agenda in South Asia, Dhaka. 10 February,, 2013 .
92 Abul Barkat "Future Development in Bangladesh through Skill Development and Cooperative Enterprise of the Rural Poor People.." Annual Workshop 2013. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 08 February,, 2013 .
93 Abul Barkat "Utilization and Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Human Development.." Shaheed Engineers Memorial Lecture 2013, 54th Convention. Chittagong: Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Chittagong. 26 January,, 2013 .
94 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Fundamentalism in Bangladesh.." International Public Lecture Series and Conference on Religion and Politics: South Asia. , pp. 57-86. Dhaka: Bangladesh Itihas Sammilani, Souvenir. 4-5 October,, 2013 .
95 Abul Barkat "Women in Parliament: Process & Extent of participation, and scope for Strengthening their Role.." National Seminar on "Study Findings Dissemination". Dhaka: Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) and PRODIP Project of The Asia Foundation, 2012 .
96 Abul Barkat "Human and Social Development in the Asia-Pacific LDCs: Progress, Challenges, and Future Actions.." Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting on the Implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA). Cambodia: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and The Royal Government of Cambodia. 17-19 December,, 2012 .
97 Abul Barkat "Minorities and Human Rights: Democracy Matters.." Regional Seminar On Minority and Democracy. Dhaka: Bangladesh-India Friendship Society. 19 October,, 2012 .
98 Abul Barkat "আদিবাসী মানুষের ভূমি অধিকার-উন্নয়ন-মানবাধিকার (Land Rights-Deveopment-Human Rights of Indigenous People).." Indegenous people’s Land Rights and Human Rights on the Occassion of Internatinal Indigenous People Day 2012. Dhaka: Bangladesh Adibashi Forum Ain-O-Salish Kendra, ALRD, Nijera Kori, BLAST, BELA, Capeng Foundation, Hindu-Buddist-Christian Oikka Parishad, Adibashi Parishad and Maleya Foundation. 07 August,, 2012 .
99 Abul Barkat "নিজস্ব অর্থায়নে পদ্মা সেতু: জাতীয় ঐক্য সৃষ্টির শ্রেষ্ঠ সুযোগ (Padma Bridge through Own Source: Best Opportunity for National Integrity).." National Seminar on “Padma Bridge by Self Financing”. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association. 19 July,, 2012 .
100 Abul Barkat "An Unfinished Agenda: Paths to 2015.." Expert Group Meeting on assessing the integration of the MDGs in national development strategies, plans and programmes in selected LDGs, LLDCs and SIDS and Way forward. UN-ESCAP, Siem-Reap, Cambodia. 31 May,, 2012 .
101 Abul Barkat "People’s Right to Land: Political Economy of Agrarian and Land Reforms.." South Asia Regional Workshop on “Human Rights, People’s Right to Land and Food". Dhaka: National lluman Rights Commission-Bangladesh, Association for Land Reform and Development-ALRD and IMSE-India. 04 April,, 2012 .
102 Abul Barkat "Role of Engineers in Development and Regional Cooperation: Thoughts of a Non- Engineer.." National Seminar of the 53rd Convention. Dhaka: The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (lEB). 15 January,, 2012 .
103 Abul Barkat "Participatory Development.." Annual Workshop 2012. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 28 January,, 2012 .
104 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে দারিদ্র্য চিন্তা: ভাবনার দারিদ্র্য যেখানে প্রকট (Thoughts on Poverty in Bangladesh: Where Poverty of Thoughts is Revealing).." Memorial Lecture 2012, on the Occssion of Seventh Death Anniversary of Former Minister SAMS Kibria. Bangladesh National Museum, Dhaka: Bangladesh Foundation for Development Research. 27 January,, 2012 .
105 Abul Barkat "Mobilizing domestic resources in structurally-disadvantaged LDCs: Status, challenges, vision.." ESCAP/OHRLLS Asia-pacific Regional Meeting on Implementing the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA). Thailand: UN-ESCAP & OHRLLS, Bangkok, Thailand. 14-16 December,, 2011 .
106 Abul Barkat "Financing Higher Education in Bangladesh, A Thought Provoking Issue.." Dhaka: Bangladesh Association of University. 21 July,, 2011 .
107 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Women’s Empowerment and Land Rights: Issues to Ponder Upon.." Asia Regional Workshop on Women and Land Rights: Workshop Proceedings. Dhaka: Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development and Association for Land Reform and Development, 2011 .
108 Abul Barkat "Help for Self Help-Successful Experiences and Steps for Self-financing of Programs after the Project Ending.." Annual Workshop 2011. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 11 February,, 2011 .
109 Abdullah-Al-Mamun "South-South Knowledge Management: Experience of Bangladesh-Korea ICT Training Center for Education." Bangkok, Thailand: 2011 .
110 Dr. Dilruba Sharmin "Pottery Making Technique of Ancient Bangladesh and Comparative discussion with other Asian Countries." Symposium of Tohoku University Tohoku, Japan,: 2011 .
111 Abul Barkat "Methodological Issues of CSO Land Monitoring.." Thailand: Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC). 12-13 May,, 2010 .
112 Abul Barkat "Arsenic Poisoning in Drinking Water: Economic and Social Consequences.." National Seminar on Progress towards creating an Arsenic-safe environment in Bangladesh. Dhaka: BUET Alumni Association in Collaboration with Delta Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 13 November,, 2010 .
113 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Women’s Empowerment and Land Rights: Issues to Ponder Upon.." Inaugural Ceremony of the Asian Regional Workshop on Women and Land Rights. Dhaka: ALRD, ANGOC & International Land Coalition. 25 October,, 2010 .
114 Abul Barkat "Role of Non State Actors in the WTO: Improving Relationship Modalities.." WTO Public Forum 2010. Geneva: CUTS International, Geneva. 15 September,, 2010 .
115 Abul Barkat "Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa: Should SERVICES Linkages be Expanded?.." WTO Public Forum 2010. Geneva: Trade in Services Division–WTO, Geneva. 17 September,, 2010 .
116 Abul Barkat "Economics of Tobacco in Bangladesh: Lessons Learned and Actionable.." Scientific Session of Bangladesh Cancer Society. Dhaka: Bangladesh Cancer Society. 20 April,, 2010 .
117 Abul Barkat "Steps towards Sustainable Transformation of Human Deprivation into Humane Development.." Annual Workshop 2010. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 12 February,, 2010 .
118 Abul Barkat "Human and Economic Impact of Reproductive Health Supplies Shortage and Stock-outs in Bangladesh.." International Conference on Family Planning Research and Best Practices. Uganda: Family Planning Research and Best Practices. 15-18 November,, 2009 .
119 Abul Barkat "Economics of Tobacco in Bangladesh: Lessons Learned and Actionable.." Regional Seminar on Economic Issues Related to South-Western Region. Islamic University, Kushtia: Bangladesh Economic Association and Department of Economics, Islamic University. 11 July,, 2009 .
120 Abul Barkat "Is there any impact of microcredit on women’s health?.." Plenary Lecture at 7th SAFOG Conference 2009. Dhaka: South Asian Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (SAFOG) & Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society of Bangladesh (OGSB). 08 March,, 2009 .
121 Abul Barkat "Life and Livelihood of Indigenous Peoples in the Chittaging Hill Tracts: What We Know?.." Regional Seminar Chittagong: Bangladesh Economic Association Chittagong Chapter & Economics Department, Chittagong University. 28 February,, 2009 .
122 Abul Barkat "Training for Transforming Human Deprivation into Human Development.." Annual Workshop 2009. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 09 February,, 2009 .
123 Abul Barkat "Investment Climate and Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh: A Politico-Economic Perspective.." International Conference on “Enterprise Governance – Recent Global Financial Perspective” & 6th Reunion of The Accounting Alumni. Dhaka: Department of Accounting & Information Systems, University of Dhaka and The Accounting Alumni. 23-24 January,, 2009 .
124 Md Jahangir Alam "Modernization and Social Change: a comparative analysis between Japan and Bangladesh." The Japan Foundation - Japanese Language Institute Kansai, Osaka, Japan: 2009 .
125 Md Jahangir Alam "Major identifies gaps of volunteerism in Bangladesh." Disaster Response Facility Project, UNDP Bangladesh and United Nations Volunteer program , pp. May 12. Sylhet, Bangladesh: United Nations Volunteer (UNV), 2009 .
126 Abul Barkat "Women's Ownership of and Access to Land and Land-related Interests: Perspective from Agrarian-Land-Aquarian Reform in Bangladesh.." "South Asian Workshop on Access to Land, Water and Forest Resources of the Poor, Women and Indigenous People: Towards an Action Agenda". Dhaka: Association for Land Reform and Development (ALRD). 29 June,, 2008 .
127 Abul Barkat "গণতন্ত্র-সংবিধান-সংকট: দেশ কোন পথে (Democracy-Constitution-Crisis: In Which Way the Country is Moving).." New York: America- Bangladesh Development Initiative. 04 October,, 2008 .
128 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Health Care in Bangladesh.." Plenary Lecture on Social Sciences. Dhaka: Bangladesh Diabetic Society and Bangladesh Endocrine Somit. 20-22 November,, 2008 .
129 Abul Barkat "Transforming Human Deprivation into Human Development.." Annual Workshop 2008. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 01 February,, 2008 .
130 Abul Barkat "অর্পিত সম্পত্তি আইনে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত মানুষের আর্থ-সামাজিক বঞ্চনা: প্রকৃতি ও সমাধান (Socio-Economic Deprivation of Persons Affected by Vested Property Act: Nature and Solution).." New York: America-Bangladesh Development Initiative. 4 October,, 2008 .
131 Abul Barkat "Possible Cooperation within SAARC in ENERGY FIELD.." Japan-SAARC Symposium on Energy and Connectivity. Islamabad: The Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad & The Government of Japan. 10-11 June,, 2008 .
132 Abul Barkat "উপকূলীয় অঞ্চলে লোনা পানিতে চিংড়ি চাষ: দারিদ্র ও বঞ্চনার নূতন মাত্রা (Shrimp Cultivation in the Saline Water in Coastal Region: New Dimensions of Poverty and Deprivation).." Development for Coastal Region: Need to conserve Rice, Fish and Environment. Paikgacha: Saline Water Research Center. 24 May,, 2008 .
133 Abul Barkat, Golam Sarwar and Misaki A Ueda "Research on Child Poverty and Disparities: Bangladesh Country Progress Status.." Regional Technical Workshop on Child Poverty and Disparities. Kathmandu: The Unicef Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA). 7-9 May, 2008 .
134 Abul Barkat "Islam, Politics and Security in South Asia: Introductory Remarks.." 8th IISS-NESA South Asia Security Conference. Muscat: IISS-NESA. 15-17 December,, 2008 .
135 Abul Barkat and Abul Hussam "Provisioning of Arsenic-free Water in Bangladesh: A Human Rights Challenge.." Engineering, Social Justice, and Sustainable Community Development. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Engineering (NAE). 2-3 October,, 2008 .
136 Abul Barkat "Women's Economic Empowerment in Bangladesh: What Needs to Think in National Human Development Planning.." "Poverty Reduction Strategy and Women's Empowerment". Dhaka: PRIP Trust and Oxfam GB. 28 April,, 2008 .
137 Abul Barkat "Towards a Feasible Land Use Policy of Bangladesh.." ‘National Seminar’. Dhaka: CARE-Bangladesh. 30 March,, 2008 .
138 Md Jahangir Alam "Job satisfaction of the South Asian people: especially on Japan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka and Pakistan." The Japan Foundation-Japanese Language Institute Kansai, Osaka, Japan.: 2008 .
139 Abul Barkat and Asmar Osman "Macroeconomic Dynamics of South Asian Economies – Prospects and Challenges.." BEA XVI Biennial Conference. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association. 12-15 December,, 2007 .
140 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Corruption: The Case of Bangladesh.." 8th Human Rights Summer School. Koitta: Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), 2007 .
141 Abul Barkat "Energy for Millennium Development Goals: Challenges and Doables.." National Workshop on Eenergy for Millennium Development Goals. Dhaka: UNDP/ Bangladesh in cooperation with Power Division, Ministry for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Govt. of Bangladesh. 11 September,, 2007 .
142 Abul Barkat "Deprivation of Affected Million Families: Living with Vested Property in Bangladesh.." National Seminar. Dhaka: ALRD, Nijera Kori and SAMATA. 26 May,, 2007 .
143 Abul Barkat, Murtaza Majid, Rowshan Ara, M Taher Uddin, Saiful Hoque, Avijit Poddar and Golam Mahiyuddin "Budget Allocation in a Gender Perspective, Issues on Tuberculosis, Safe Delivery, Sports, Science Education in Secondary School, Violence against women, Women’s access to commercial bank loan.." National Seminar 2007, Budget Allocation in a Gender Perspective. Dhaka: Bangladesh. Economic Association and ActionAid Bangladesh. 21 April,, 2007 .
144 Abul Barkat "Dynamics of Rising Economies of South Asia.." IDSA-ICRIER. New Delhi: Economic Cooperation for Security and Development in South Asia. 16-17 March,, 2007 .
145 Abul Barkat "Violence Against Women in Bangladesh: How Serious We Are?.." “Achieving Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5: Where we are and what needs to be done. Dhaka: Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH NC-I). 31 March,, 2007 .
146 Abul Barkat "Impact of Globalization on Health.." “World Health Day”. Dhaka: Health Reporter’s Forum. 06 April,, 2007 .
147 Abul Barkat "Development Trends of South Asian Economies.." Independence Day. Dhaka: Bangladesh-Bharat Moitree Samity. 25 March,, 2007 .
148 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Education in Bangladesh: Are We Raising the Right Questions?.." Education and Development. Dhaka: Bangladesh College-University Teachers Association (BCUTA), 2007 .
149 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে কৃষি-ভূমি-জলা সংস্কার - উন্নয়নে যার বিকল্প নেই (Agrarian-Land-Aquarian Reforms in Bangladesh: No Other Alternative for Development).." Sixtenth Biennial Conference. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association. 13 December,, 2007 .
150 Abul Barkat "Partnership for Humane Development through Family Development: Function and Role of Women.." Annual Workshop 2007. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 16 February,, 2007 .
151 Abul Barkat "Poverty Reduction through Energy Services–Challenges and Doable towards Millennium Development Goals.." BEA XVI Biennial Conference. Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association. 12-15 December,, 2007 .
152 Abul Barkat and Nur Ahmed "Poverty-Human Development-Family Development: Linkages and Doables.." 7th Annual Workshop. Dhaka: Die Lichtbrucke Germany. 16 February,, 2007 .
153 Abul Barkat "Political Economy of Fundamentalism in Bangladesh: Emergence, Limits to Growth, and Way Out.." Peace and Development in the memory of PN Haksar. Chandigarh: Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development. 7-11 November,, 2006 .
154 Abul Barkat "Politico-Economic Situation of Bangladesh: Statement for consideration by the Hon’ble Members of the European Parliament.." Brussels: EuroParliament. 10 October,, 2006 .
155 Abul Barkat "Economics of Fundamentalism in Bangladesh: Roots and Limits to Growth of Political Islam.." Experts’ Meeting. Brussels: European Parliament. 10 October,, 2006 .
156 Abul Barkat "Energy Security and its Implications for the Poor.." Energy Security and its Implications for the Poor, UNDP Knowledge Expo. New York: United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development 14th Session (CSD-14). 04 May,, 2006 .
157 Abul Barkat "Reaching Millennium Development Goals through Rural Electricity, Energy Security & Cooperation: The Case of Bangladesh.." UNDP Knowledge-Expo. New York: Expanding Access to Energy Services, UN HQs. 09 May,, 2006 .
158 Abul Barkat "Energizing the Millennium Development Goals.." New York: UNDP, Economic Community of West African States, and Governments of Austria, France, Netherlands and Norway, UN HQs. 11 May,, 2006 .
159 Abul Barkat "Rural Electricity Cooperatives in Bangladesh: Impact on Employment Creation and Poverty Reduction.." Expert Group Meeting on Cooperatives and Employment. Shanghai: Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) in collaboration with International Labour Organization (ILO) and International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). 18 May,, 2006 .
160 Abul Barkat "Energy-Electricity Issues: Poverty Reduction Impact, Energy Security and Cooperation.." Energy and Environment Practice for the Asia Pacific Region. Bangkok: UNDP’s Advisory Panel. 13-14 February,, 2006 .
161 Abul Barkat "Life Situation of Young People in Bangladesh: Problems and Chances.." Annual Workshop 2006. Dhaka: Die Lichtbriicke, Germany. 27 January,, 2006 .
162 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে মানব উন্নয়ন–শিক্ষা–সরকারী ব্যয় বরাদ্দ: একটি বিশ্লেষণ (Human Development-Education-Government Allocation: An Analysis).." Dhaka: National Teacher’s-Employee’s Front. 21 April,, 2005 .
163 Abul Barkat "টেংরাটিলার গ্যাস বিস্ফোরণ: অর্থনৈতিক, সামাজিক, রাজনৈতিক অভিঘাত প্রসঙ্গে (Gas Explosion in Tengra Tila: Economic, Social and Political Impacts).." Dhaka: Bangladesh Economic Association. 14 July,, 2005 .
164 Abul Barkat "বাংলাদেশে মৌলবাদের অর্থনীতি (Economics of Fundamentalism in Bangladesh).." Dr. Abdul Gafur Memorial Public Lecture.